Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
QuakerQuaker This Week, Fourth Month 15 2012
Some post-Easter reflections on the Quaker Blogosphere. Patricia Barber writes of a Land of Saturdays, where we've embraced the life and death of Christ, but haven't yet experienced the joy and certainty of the Resurrection.…
ContinueAdded by QuakerQuaker on 4th mo. 15, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments
QuakerQuaker this Week, 4/9/2012
In the Quaker blogs, Alice M Yaxley asks "What Does the Gospel Look Like?" and writes "The problem's too complex for us to solve with our own minds, but sinking down into the Holy Spirit's well of deep peace and compassion, I believe we are each being led into the action that is required uniquely of us." Her post began as a response…
ContinueAdded by QuakerQuaker on 4th mo. 9, 2012 at 7:10pm — No Comments
QuakerQuaker This Week, 4/1/2012
On the Quaker blogs this week, there's a must-read post from Johan Maurer on the dangers of religious zealotry in the political realm, Being Wrong is Not the Same as Being Evil. For meetings trying to navigate the balance between group identity Stephen Davison has useful reflections in …
ContinueAdded by QuakerQuaker on 4th mo. 1, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments
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