Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
His eyes moved from the cracked sidewalk block beneath his feet to the cracked window of the upper flat. There was a sleepy eyelid of space between the window frame and the dingy bedspread that covered the rest of it. A flickering blue light emanated from a television and radiated through the eyelid in contrast to the depressing gray of the Detroit neighborhood. That light - the blue light, - promised that someone would be home.
He walked quickly so as not to betray his anxiety or his…
ContinueAdded by scot miller on 11th mo. 12, 2012 at 5:29pm — No Comments
Author’s note: I have taken the liberty of making use of Ben Pink Dandelion’s reference to a specific manner of Quaker practice as “liberal-liberal” Friends. As one who identifies closely with Conservative Friends, I am a Hicksite and identify as an FGC liberal Friend. My comments are more concerned with identity and intelligibility than an overarching critique of FGC Friends, which has a far different…
ContinueAdded by scot miller on 11th mo. 4, 2012 at 10:30pm — 16 Comments
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