Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
The stories we tell one another reveal much about who we are, and what we believe. In my family, the children love to hear stories of how mom and dad met, or the ice storm that was occurring when mom went into labor with Micah. With Emma, we didn’t even own a car, and relied on neighbors to drive us 15 miles to the hospital. Such stories, which are similar to narratives told by other families, not only serve keep our children or friends amused. Stories of our lives are integral pieces of…
ContinueAdded by scot miller on 9th mo. 14, 2012 at 11:28pm — No Comments
1 Maccabees 4 – Gorgias, a commander under Lysias, comes against the Jews at Emmaus, but finds no one there. Judas has moved his 3000 to the plain nearby. He is terribly short of armor and supplies but he reminds his men of how God helped their ancestors in the desert.
The Jews advance on the Seleucid army; they fight and the Gentiles are crushed. They pursue those who retreat for a time, but Judas tells them not to be greedy for plunder, for another battle awaits…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 14, 2012 at 7:33am — No Comments
New Blog Post: "Something About Love"
Added by Bruce R. Arnold on 9th mo. 13, 2012 at 11:27pm — No Comments
“Set off” is the phrase used in the recently released proposal to carry through a schism in Indiana Yearly Meeting. “IYM (the organization) will remain intact and those meetings choosing option B will continue to be part of this body.” … Meetings choosing option A “will be set off from IYM into a newly created ‘yearly meeting’ or equivalent association.” So reads the proposal. (You can read the proposal…
ContinueAdded by Doug Bennett on 9th mo. 13, 2012 at 12:30pm — 34 Comments
1 Maccabees 3 – It is 166-160 BC. Judas, called Maccabaeus, now steps forward to lead the fight for Israel. “He extended the fame of his people. He put on the breatplate like a giant and girded on his war harness; he engaged in battle after battle, protecting the ranks with his sword” (3:3)
Someone named Apollonius, governor of Samaria and commander of the Seleucid army in that region, gathers Gentiles together to fight him, but they are beaten. Apollonius’ sword…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 13, 2012 at 8:33am — No Comments
This week we had a Ministry Fair during our worship service. We went out to our gym where people displayed and shared about the ministries with which they are involved, both within the meeting and outside of it.It was our "Celebration of Ministry," and we had lots of fun! Check our Facebook…
ContinueAdded by Cherice on 9th mo. 12, 2012 at 2:00pm — No Comments
1 Maccabees 2 - Mattathias of a priestly family and his five sons—John, Simon, Judas, Eleazar, and Jonathan—are all desolate because of the shame to Israel this desecration of their Temple has brought. The king’s commissioners come to their town, Modein, and approach Mattathias about being the first to comply with what the Jews consider an “apostasy” so as to make a “good example” to others, who are also being asked to conform their religious practices to what the Seleucid rulers…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 12, 2012 at 5:50am — No Comments
One of the good things about attending Worship in Washington, DC, is that I sometimes get to meet well-known Friends. Mary Beth Tinker was in attendance this past First Day. Her late sister is Bonnie Tinker, notable in her own right for being a tireless activist.
I met Bonnie for the first time at Meeting for Worship shortly before the Obama…
ContinueAdded by Kevin Camp on 9th mo. 11, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments
Introductory Material on 1 Maccabees from Jerusalem Bible:
These two books are not in the Jewish canon. They are considered deuterocanonical by the Church. They are about Jewish resistance to the Seleucid dynasty of rulers, and about Jewish resistance to secularization in the form of Hellenism. The Jewish community is torn within itself by those who want to follow the dominant culture and those who stand by the traditions. The Maccabeas family leads the…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 11, 2012 at 6:00am — No Comments
Originally published in
r. scot miller and Aran Reinhart
My name is Aran. I am a man with breasts. I was born with a female body and tried to live as a woman for nearly 39 years. As hard as I tried, though, I always felt like I had a huge hole in the middle of me. I tried to fill the hole with many things over the years: food, television, church,…
ContinueAdded by scot miller on 9th mo. 10, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments
Judith 15 – As the men hear of the situation, there is a complete rout and slaughter. This is not a book pacifists will enjoy at all unless they can see it as an allegory of spiritual faithfulness, courage and ingenuity. The Israelite warriors seize enormous amounts of loot from abandoned camps.
Joakim, the high priest, and all the members of the Council of Elders come to see the riches and bless Judith with a song of praise. “The…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 10, 2012 at 7:53am — No Comments
Judith 14 – Judith tells the men to hang the head on the battlements and to get ready. She is sure that when they wake up and find that Holofernes is not with them, they “will then be seized with panic and flee at your advance. All you and the others who live in the territory of Israel will have to do is to give chase and slaughter them as they retreat” (14:4).
She then asks that they call Achior, the Ammonite, to come and identify the head she has brought as…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 8, 2012 at 7:18am — No Comments
Ever since I became a Quaker in my mid-30s I’ve been aware of past schisms among Friends and wondered about how they came about. Those were idle musings so long as the schisms (Hicksite/Orthodox, Gurneyite/Wilburite, etc.) were matters of the distant past, but now as a member of Indiana Yearly Meeting I’m experiencing a potential schism in the making. It’s a little like seeing a volcano erupt having only ever seen extinct…
ContinueAdded by Doug Bennett on 9th mo. 7, 2012 at 11:30am — 3 Comments
Judith 12 – Holofernes invites Judith to have dinner with him. She says she cannot eat his food – she might “incur some fault” if the food involves anything the Law considers unclean. She has brought her own food. Holofernes asks how they could get more of the foods she can eat if she runs out. She says, “Never fear, my lord, the Lord will have used me to accomplish his plan before your servant has finished these provisions” (12:4).
She goes out each night to pray.…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 7, 2012 at 8:07am — No Comments
Judith 10 – Judith removes her sackcloth, washes and dresses herself up in all her best clothes, jewelry and perfumes. She looks beautiful. She goes to the town gates and there finds the town leaders, Uzziah, Chabris and Charmis. She tells them they should leave the town gate open so she can come and go. And then she takes off toward enemy lines.
As she comes down through the valley, a unit of the Assyrian army seizes her and asks her which side she is on and where she…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 6, 2012 at 7:30am — No Comments
Judith 9 – Judith throws herself to the ground, scatters ashes on her head and cries out to the Lord. This is her prayer:
“[Y]ou have made the past, and what is happening now, and what will follow. What is, what will be, you have planned; what has been, you designed” (9:5).
“See the Assyrians, boasting in their army, glorying in their horses and their riders, exulting in the strength of their infantry. Trust as they may in shield and spear, in bow and…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 5, 2012 at 6:49am — No Comments
Judith 8 - Judith, model of all things Jewish, is a widow. Her husband, Manasseh died some years ago of sunstroke. She is beautiful, virtuous and quite wealthy. When she hears of what the elders told the people about waiting five days, she calls them in and rebukes them, saying that God cannot be manipulated or coerced in this way. We must trust that God will not desert his nation. We must give thanks to God and allow him to test us as he tested Abraham and all our…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 4, 2012 at 7:30am — No Comments
Lynn Holt brought the message this week from Psalm 90:1, "Teach us the brevity of life, so that we may gain wisdom."
Added by Cherice on 9th mo. 4, 2012 at 1:21am — No Comments
Judith 6 – Holofernes turns on Achior and tells him Nebuchadnezzar “is their God” and he will “display his power and wipe them off the face of the earth, and their God will certainly not save them” (6:2). As for Achior, when they are wiped off the face of the early, he too will die for trying to play the prophet.
He is ordered taken and turned over to the Israelites. Because of their tight defenses, they cannot take Achior to the Israelites, but he is bound at the foot…
ContinueAdded by Irene Lape on 9th mo. 3, 2012 at 8:25am — No Comments
New Blog Post: "All The Truth That Can Be Said ... "
Added by Bruce R. Arnold on 9th mo. 2, 2012 at 12:09pm — No Comments
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