7th mo. 2009 Blog Posts (12)

More about my recent dream of NYYM

At the risk of over-analyzing it, I have written some more about my recent dream and the responses of Friends who read my original post about it. See my new post here.

Added by Rich Accetta-Evans on 7th mo. 31, 2009 at 4:20pm — No Comments

The Christian Thing (or Long Live the Christian Left!)

Though I am an ex-Christian nontheist Quaker, I am committed to accepting and promoting the Christian norms of liberal Quakerism. Some Quakers see a renewal of the Christian character of Quakerism as a survival necessity. Christians are the majority in our culture and if liberal Quakers are going to grow, they reason, the largest pool of potential new Quakers are Christians.

My own take on this is that in our majority Christian culture, there is an immense need for progressive… Continue

Added by Charley Earp on 7th mo. 31, 2009 at 1:15am — 2 Comments

Toby Jacobrown files suit against the Selective Service System

My cousin has just filed suit against the selective service system and it was written up in the Washington Post today. He does a good job of presenting his case in a video post on the site so I will let him do the talking. I hope that we in the online Quaker community can think of ways that we can make this issue more publicly recognized through Toby's action. Do you agree with how he's going about it? Not? Give him support or suggestion on his site below.

Dear friend,

I… Continue

Added by Evan on 7th mo. 30, 2009 at 1:33am — 2 Comments

My dream about Yearly Meeting

I recently posted an entry on my Brooklyn Quaker blog about a dream I had concerning New York Yearly Meeting. The URL is here:
(Please ignore the grammatical typos).

Added by Rich Accetta-Evans on 7th mo. 27, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

"Bridging ALERT"

One Minute for Peace BRIDGING ALERT!

The Bridge Film Festival and the American Friends Service Committee are excited to announce a new "Bridge" for this year's festival. In connection with the AFSC's One Minute for Peace Campaign, all PSA's submitted to this year's Bridge Film Festival that… Continue

Added by Andrew Swartley Cohen on 7th mo. 22, 2009 at 7:46am — No Comments

Peacemaking & Trinitarian Communion

I should give credit to "Quaker Oats Live" blogger Cherice for inspiring me to write on this topic.

For the past two years I have been involved with the Christian and Interfaith Relations Committee (CIRC) of FGC. As I visited various program committees of FGC Central Committee, I found that the sorts of business and discussions being carried out by CIRC excited and nourished me deeply.

(To disclose my personal biases, I will mention that I was born a Pentecostal, converted… Continue

Added by Charley Earp on 7th mo. 17, 2009 at 2:00am — 9 Comments

come along! 5-6 pm, 16th of July, Trafalgar Square, or look on the 'One and Other' site.

POEM for those left standing...

'I am a person stuck with unrequested labels, Northern, female

Short-sighted, red-haired, maladroit

I worked for others, as a student, parent, activist, poet

Some labels I aspired to: Quaker, world traveller, true artist, cook

And others came from cruel authority,

Dispensed regardless…’too disabled’... to be me

That closed some minor official’s little book

Upon my whole life’s purpose…

But I live for human rights… Continue

Added by Rosemary Rimmer-Clay on 7th mo. 12, 2009 at 10:13am — 4 Comments

Poem for those left standing

POEM for those left standing...

'I am a person stuck with unrequested labels, Northern, female

Short-sighted, red-haired, maladroit

I worked for others, as a student, parent, activist, poet

Some labels I aspired to: Quaker, world traveller, true artist, cook

And others came from cruel authority,

Dispensed regardless…’too disabled’... to be me

That closed some minor official’s little book

Upon my whole life’s purpose…

But I live for human rights… Continue

Added by Rosemary Rimmer-Clay on 7th mo. 12, 2009 at 9:58am — 1 Comment

Link to NY Times Article on Pope Benedict's New Encyclical

The Encyclical is entitled "Caritas et Veritate" which the Times translates as "Charity in Truth". I would have thought it meant "Love and Truth". Anyway, it has to do with economic justice. Seems like a good thing.
The Times Article is Pope Urges New World Economic Order

Added by Rich Accetta-Evans on 7th mo. 7, 2009 at 1:47pm — 3 Comments

The Root of the Conflict

Christianity as a belief system is strongly focused on believing as a matter of... loyalty, "keeping the faith" so to speak.

This sets up a discordant situation between believers and disbelievers; it's probably a mistake to locate any resulting 'hostility' within one group or another.

They represent threats to one another's world-views, and serious threats at that. The disbeliever can muster the contemporary prestige of scientism, the history of centuries of… Continue

Added by Forrest Curo on 7th mo. 6, 2009 at 12:23pm — 7 Comments

Sink to the Seed

When I would hear the old Quaker phrase, "sink to the seed," I used to imagine a roomful of old-timey, plain Friends in a wooden meeting house, sitting quietly, and practicing "sinking down." They become quieter and quieter until there is not a sound except for what floats in through the open window on a lush, sunny, early summer day: buzzing of honeybees, snuffle of waiting horse, singing of robin. What an idyllic scene, based almost entirely on what I imagined the outward experience of… Continue

Added by Merry Stanford on 7th mo. 5, 2009 at 10:03pm — No Comments

Progressive Quakerism: A Religious Naturalist Perspective

"It has been our cherished purpose to restore the union between religion and life, and to place works of goodness and mercy far above theological speculations and scholastic subtleties of doctrine." Exposition of Sentiments Adopted by the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends, 1853.

In the 1850s, some Quakers began to dramatically shift their religious orientation from a heavenly to an earthly perspective. The Progressive Friends movement was made up of both… Continue

Added by Charley Earp on 7th mo. 4, 2009 at 9:23pm — 6 Comments

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