Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
New blog post: "Time for the NRA to Step Up"
Added by Bruce R. Arnold on 6th mo. 26, 2016 at 4:11pm — No Comments
In distinction to many other expressions of Christianity, and many other religions as well, Quakerism is non-creedal; that is, we don't have a particular set of belief-statements that one must accept in order to be a Quaker. This is confusing for some newcomers, liberating for others. But even for the latter group, the time comes when you begin to wonder: is there any more spiritual substance to Quakerism than 'practise…
ContinueAdded by Robert Kirchner on 6th mo. 25, 2016 at 1:57pm — No Comments
US citizens are looking to Washington, DC for "gun control" apparently forgetting this is the world's hub for arms dealing and war planning.
"Gun control" is not the name of that city's main business.
[ Moving the US capital around, rotating its location, more like the Olympics, might be a way to hold the nation together, but these days it's looking …
ContinueAdded by Kirby Urner on 6th mo. 22, 2016 at 9:00pm — No Comments
Felt I needed to make a change to the Liberation Theology series:
Added by Bruce R. Arnold on 6th mo. 11, 2016 at 6:43pm — No Comments
“The Tragedy of Dissemination in Bent”
By Robben Wainer
“Bent”, is a play by Martin Sherman. “Martin Sherman,“Bent” 1979, Amber Lane Press Ltd. London, England.”…is a play about the underworld, betrayal, torture, homosexuality, and survival. The play takes place in Nazi Germany, as it was understood that gay men who were caught, went to prison, to wear a pink triangle that signified they were amongst the lowest of the low…
ContinueAdded by Robben Wainer on 6th mo. 7, 2016 at 8:16pm — 2 Comments
A few days ago I woke up thinking about the word activist. What are they activating? Conscience, sympathy, compassion? Or how about outrage, anger, disgust? Activating action?
The other names that we use for this activity to promote change (or not) are interesting as well. Protester came to my mind first. Somewhat of a clunker because sometimes a…
ContinueAdded by Roger Vincent Jasaitis on 6th mo. 7, 2016 at 10:52am — No Comments
Note that I use the indefinite article on purpose, "A" and not "The". The dress code Friends expect and even enforce on occasion (no shirt, new shoes, no service), at least in a Business context, is in no way universal and is of course reflective of ambient dress codes, role models in the surrounding culture.
For example, driving while naked is not permitted in Portland except on designated days and routes on a bicycle. Some don't bother with permission but that's…
ContinueAdded by Kirby Urner on 6th mo. 5, 2016 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment
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