Kirby Urner
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  • Portland, OR
  • United States
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Kirby Urner's Discussions

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Started this discussion. Last reply by Kirby Urner 8th month 19, 2021. 2 Replies

When it comes to the European experience, we already tell the story of the United States as one of east-to-west expansion, complete with the Louisiana Purchase, followed by Lewis & Clark and…Continue

Exhibit: some Friends discussing Racism

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kirby Urner 1st month 2, 2021. 1 Reply

From: kirby urner <>Date: Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 9:49 AMSubject: Re: [MFM - Friends for Racial Justice] The Inner Work of Racial JusticeTo: Racial Justice Study and Action…Continue

Ever Retelling Genesis

Started 11th month 17, 2020 0 Replies

Per continuing revelation, God was pissed at humans to the point of aborting the whole experiment, twice in His own words (Holy Scripture).First was the Garden of Eden debacle, wherein Adam & Eve…Continue

Racism: A Lesson Plan

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kirby Urner 7th month 24, 2020. 6 Replies

Critique? Undergoing peer review from Facebook friends:About Racism (a lesson plan) Me: memetic, ethnic, cultural, software Me: genetic, physical, hominid, hardware Memes are not just miniature…Continue


Kirby Urner's Page

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Kirby Urner replied to Forrest Curo's discussion 'Why Has It Needed To Be Like This?'
"Just to rephrase:  perhaps Spirit seems obscure because the illusion of having or being a self gets in the way, such that we imagine our experience of Spirit is that of some self-contained separate being that has to "strive to find…"
3rd month 10
Kirby Urner replied to Forrest Curo's discussion 'Why Has It Needed To Be Like This?'
"Great discussion.  I'm thinking having God mostly hidden is a consequence of having a self, a kind of mini God replica, an idol ("I doll"), whom we tend to adore (or call it love-hate). I don't think God begrudges us our…"
3rd month 9
Kirby Urner commented on Olaf Radicke's blog post 'It's time for to move to Mastodon'
"Yeah I'm on Mastodon through being a Subgenius (as well as Quaker).  It's a fine platform but you don't just "move" a complex archives to it.  A heart transplant might be easier?  Start fresh and call it…"
12th month 6, 2022
Kirby Urner posted a video

Networking Among Friends

In celebration of CJ's comprehensivity program & community
12th month 6, 2022
Kirby Urner posted a video

Adventures in Quakerism

Kirby talks about his some of his experience with Friends
11th month 15, 2022
Kirby Urner posted a video

Food Not Bombs PDX + Occupy Portland (2011)

Oregon Curriculum Network. Community Service 101.
10th month 8, 2022
Kirby Urner posted a blog post

Quakers in the Cascadian Northwest

Google Earth model of Multnomah Meeting by Lew Scholl (link) (former Masonic Temple on the right -- used during the 2nd major remodel)For those wishing to catch up on all the changes in our region among the many churches and meetings, I recommend this article from a local "paper" (online):…See More
9th month 27, 2022
Kirby Urner commented on Kevin-Douglas Olive's blog post 'What is a Quaker?'
"If asked to explain "Quakers", I sometimes get into the scriptural derivation of "Friends" as in "Religious Society of" i.e. Jesus saying he preferred having Friends to obedient sycophantic follower-disciples. I talk…"
9th month 27, 2022
Kirby Urner replied to Jonathan Pilgrim's discussion 'Cyber meetings'
"Your queries mirror discussions I'm having with Friends here in Portland, Oregon, a city with two unprogrammed Monthly Meetings (Multnomah and Bridge City of NPYM), a smattering of Worship Groups, and several  programmed churches e.g.…"
9th month 27, 2022
Robert Cowper liked Kirby Urner's video
6th month 25, 2022
Kirby Urner posted a blog post

Earlham Scrap Book (mentions Dr. Suber)

Exhibit: on Quaker-P, May 14 2005 "What Every Quaker Should Know":This is the geometry curriculum I'd like to see phased in to Quaker schools (not to displace all of what's already there, but in a way that supplements and complements). And Bucky himself: twas an uphill battle to get my Synergetics on the Web listed as a philosophy site at Dr.…See More
5th month 7, 2022
Kirby Urner commented on Kirby Urner's blog post 'Autobiographical Snippet'
5th month 7, 2022
Kirby Urner commented on Kirby Urner's blog post 'Autobiographical Snippet'
5th month 6, 2022
Kirby Urner commented on Kirby Urner's blog post 'Autobiographical Snippet'
"Here's another snippet, this one for Born 1958 in Chicago, son of Quakers, dad an urban planner, mom a writer and human rights activist. Lived in Rome, Italy while dad worked for Libya. High school in the Philippines. Princeton…"
2nd month 7, 2022
William F Rushby commented on Kirby Urner's blog post 'Autobiographical Snippet'
"Hello, Kirby Urner!  I woindered where you came from when you burst onto the QQ scene!  I look forward to the next installment of your pilgrimage.  "
2nd month 7, 2022
Trevor Bending commented on Kirby Urner's blog post 'Autobiographical Snippet'
"Well, if you must post your Bio here - let's have the rest of it!"
2nd month 7, 2022

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Kirby Urner's Blog

Quakers in the Cascadian Northwest

Posted on 9th mo. 27, 2022 at 5:30pm 0 Comments

Google Earth model of Multnomah Meeting by Lew Scholl (link)

(former Masonic Temple on the right -- used during the 2nd major remodel)

For those wishing to catch up on all the changes in our region among the many churches and meetings, I recommend this…


Earlham Scrap Book (mentions Dr. Suber)

Posted on 5th mo. 7, 2022 at 6:40pm 0 Comments


Me on Quaker-P, May 14 2005 "What Every Quaker Should Know":

This is the geometry curriculum I'd like to see phased in to Quaker schools (not to displace all of what's already there, but in a way that supplements and complements). And Bucky himself: twas an…


Design Science

Posted on 1st mo. 20, 2022 at 7:30pm 0 Comments

Bucky Fuller is credited for popularizing a lot of memes, some of which developed into full-fledged physical artifacts, such as the geodesic domes, which blossomed everywhere in architecture, most impressively on the industrial scene, but also in the form of do-it-yourself affordable shelter solutions. 

However "the industry industry missed" (Archibald MacLeish) is still…


Autobiographical Snippet

Posted on 11th mo. 11, 2021 at 12:00pm 5 Comments

Both my parents were convinced Friends, thanks to deep discussions they'd been having with their peers at a YWCA closely associated with the University of Washington, where they met.  Jack was a Seattle native whereas Carol was a precocious kid at Garfield High, her dad an itinerant Linotype operator.

Dad was having conscientious objections to the university's compulsory ROTC gun training. Mom would later join the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). All that…


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At 11:59pm on 3rd mo. 2, 2016, Keith Saylor said…

Hello Kirby,

While I agree with your sentiment to it is not about either/or.

For me, it is an issue of just being honest about the reality. There just are many people, by their own admission and not my characterization, whose conscious is anchored in and whose conscience is informed by outward forms generally speaking. These people make up the majority of people on this earth. There is also a smaller number of people on this earth whose conscious, generally speaking, is anchored in and whose conscience, generally speaking,  is informed by direct and unmediated inherent self-existence or Presence itself in itself without regard to outward practices, institutions, teachers, leaders, theologies, religions, etc. 

The very nature of the former is to break up into various outward "brands," as you say, while the later has no real issue with outward branding because they do not participate in that way of existence. They profess no outward marks, forms, or practices by which they themselves or others may know them as under the pale of direct and unmediated Presence itself in itself. It is the establishing of outward forms that nurture the manifestation of various brands. Those early Quakers, who followed Foxonian innovation, and eventually turned back again to established outward ways, practices, and traditions, nurtured the manifestation of the various brands that now make up the Quakerism of today that is anchored in and informed by outward forms. 

There has been those from the beginnings of the Children of Light, as there are today, who are not  stakeholders in the establishment and perpetuation of any outward religion, practice, tradition, politic, economy, institutions, etc. so that there is no occasion for branding or disunity amongst those gathered into and governed by direct and unmediated Spirit itself in itself.

Anarchy is the lack of governance. The Children of Light whose conscious is anchored in and whose conscience is informed by Presence know the direct and unmediated governance of the same Presence itself in itself. 

Thank you, Keith

At 9:22am on 3rd mo. 2, 2016, Keith Saylor said…

Hello Kirby,

Recently you wrote:

I'm a Wittgenstein student and don't buy that names point to things, even in the simple case. Words are tools and their use defines them, not some mysterious "pointing". "Language on the one hand, real object on the other" -- that's a simplification that only gets one entangled in confusions.

Mathematics is not metaphorical if it's not trying to be "about" anything beyond itself. Chess, the game, is not really a "metaphor" for a war either, or if it is, it's not a war like we've ever seen. Games have their own integrity. They don't need to be "metaphoric".

Note: Santa and Satan differ only by letter arrangement, like Dog and God.

Your words are compelling and I've spent much time with them. I appreciate your observation that "Games have their own integrity" and I agree. In the same way that equations, theologies, institutions, languages, etc. have their own integrity. The physical world has its own integrity. Ecosystems have their own integrity. Economies have their own integrity. Church frameworks have their own integrity. Idols or icons and similitudes have their own integrity. An idol certainly does not need to point to anything beyond itself and often does not. It has its own integrity. This is the reality of things for many people on this earth and I affirm the truth of it.

With that said, there are others on this earth who re-create (for example, participate in gaming or worship) in the very activity of living itself so that we do not engage in setting aside outward frameworks within which we go about re-creating or worshipping for that matter. While we acknowledge the existence of outward gaming and worship frameworks or platforms, we may not participate in them because we live in the activity of re-creating or worshipping itself in itself. Living in the activity of re-creating or worshipping in all moments and circumstance in daily life makes entering into an outwardly established gaming, economic, religious, worship, and political, platforms or frameworks unnecessary. As with many of the founding Quakers (not all), we do not participate in the establishment or setting aside of outward religious institutions and instrumentalities and practices because those outward forms are not relevant to our experience which is established Itself in itself. We participate in the activity of worship and re-creating in every moment of our lives. Our conscious is not anchored in and our conscience is not informed by outward gaming or worshipping frameworks. In the same way,  we do not set aside or participate holy-days because a conscious anchored in and a conscious informed in the activity of re-creating or worshipping itself in itself knows a life that is holy in all moments and circumstances. It is just not necessary to set aside outward special days and times of holiness or celebration; even as we acknowledge the "integrity" of those outward holy-days for many people even when those holy-days and the language of those holy-days are not metaphoric in any way.

Thanks you for your words.


At 6:03pm on 12th mo. 10, 2015, Forrest Curo said…

Yeah, it's a little backasswards how this works -- but then we don't end up with all the liter in the same place. I really agree about The Exam; I get Spot Quizzes instead. (I don't always like the way these turn out!)

I did a poem once abt:

'Practice the corpse pose;it will be on The Exam'

but then so are sunsets.

The trouble with "How effective were you as an activist?" is that Jesus would have flunked that one. So maybe it's not such a good question. At best (unless you died of being thumped by a cop) you'd still face a further question: "Yes, but what have you done for Me lately?"

At 5:09pm on 12th mo. 10, 2015, Forrest Curo said…

I'm liking your last rant over on Keith's piece (where it really is slightly off-topic, alas!)

But (begging the question of whether there is such a thing) I really can't see "How effective were you as an activist?" being among the questions on The Exam.


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