QuakerQuaker migration starting soon, can you help?
Hi QuakerQuaker fans,It's time to start the migration of QuakerQuaker to a new online platform. It…See More
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You are indeed busy.
And let me immediately send you a prayer of hope and renewal!
What a dynamic time you're having! On your path toward that Light of Lights.God Bless.
My thoughts are now with you,far distant though I may be.
...Ah, your practice. The paperwork alone must be daunting. But let me remind you to breath, and sooth you with the knowledge that your own caring attention to others won't go unseen, although it may seem that way all to often to our Helpers.
Until a time of less demands on your own ...my very warmest regards.
Just wanted to see how the Pagan Psychologist was? Not sure how you've been.
I trust you are alive. Good. If not, I am beside myself.
We've been getting storms here on the North Coast of NSW in Australia. Waves crashing and people running for cover. But it's fun.
Warmest Regards.
Anarchist since I like the equality of individual agreement; Quaker because I like the radical liberation of a focused connection with God through his son, Lord Jesus Christ; Anglican as I enjoy the radiance of traditionalist orthodoxy.
The endorsement of traditionalist orthodoxy was the single biggest hurdle in my spiritual, and so my actual life. It meant I had to swallow my pride and throw myself at my enemies. Go out to them. Leave the warm comfort of a friends meeting - the sky now limits the dome of my church. Its pillars stand firm in the common-dirt of unlimited liberation promised to humanity by the absolute love of Christ.
Perhaps this orthodoxy is best manifested by continuing the compassionate practice of beauty, customary ritual and loyal fellowship: that’s the orthodoxy I wish to preserve anyway. Elizabeth, I would very much like to know your own views here (in your most dour serious tone like me.) It’s like we’ve lost a kind of fraternal civility - that human stuff so often lacking today. New waves of modernism instead wash further and further up the old shoreline. But there’s always hope too.
Of course Elizabeth, as you may no doubt imagine, this line of dissent I have just woven for you attracts the scorn of many of my friends. And perhaps more embarrassingly (well, at least for some) rather amusing ‘fan mail’ comes my way from my more 'conservative' enemy! Thus general confusion is the norm.
I'm written off – not all together unfairly - as being from another 'parallel universe’, as one anonymous fellow has put it to me - and letting me know it in unbroken UPPERCASE type too. But it's all fun to me.
So let us say in conclusion that I practice 'Parallel Classical Foresight'! Now we’re square Elizabeth?
Post Script: Added a few more sundry pictures. Enjoy the Australian themes of passion for big sky, home and family.
Your praise is generous. And generosity should likewise be praised!
You're great: Pagan-Psychologist? Well Elizabeth, I am sure we need more of those.
As a Psychologist I hope you’re rather Jungian (incidentally, my own dreams are vivid.) Oh, as an aside, once upon a time, my selfish curiosity led me to one of those online personality tests. And let me tell Elizabeth, I had no personality. But seriously, I was accordingly termed an IFNJ. As you may have guessed, this ‘feeling intuitive’ nature puts my own cold rational plans to be a Theoretical Mathematician into some serious doubt!
Alas, I do talk of thy self. And so on to other matters. Regarding your Photo-Technology problem, I'm no Martin Kelley, but here it goes:
Digital Photography:
get yourself any old digital camera, buy a ‘41-in-1’ USB Card Reader from a Computer store, take a photo, remove the memory card from the camera, slot it into your new card reader, load the digital camera software on to your computer before doing this, plug in said card reader with your memory card already slotted into it, Plug it in by using one of the USB ports provided on the side or back of your hard-drive ( your excited/asleep aren't you? ) PLUG in plug with plug-like slot. BINGO. Your computer will read that there is something new plugged in and the computer prompts should let you just save to desktop. Once photos are actually saved, go to 'Quaker Quaker' website and 'add photo' on 'My Page'. DONE!
(Note: I speak Australian so this data may not translate as seamlessly as is my intent. So apologise with an ‘s’ rather than a ‘z’.)
...or you could just get one of your own brood to help 'Mom'. But I know that this can quickly lead to domestic ‘disturbances’, even amongst the pacifists. Oddly enough, I find it easier to transmit coherent instructions to parents like your good self rather than say - my own vigorous kin. Perhaps there is a sociological dissertation in this somewhere?
Thanks for welcoming me - I like your turtle thumbnail picture. We have a few here in Nelson Bay.Incidently, I once saw that exact picture advertising Cairns in Queensland.
So Elizabeth, that's my sisters name, I found this site, goodness knows how, but I did so a few days ago. Let me tell you, I'm blown away by quality! Suppose I have both the members and Martin to thank for that?
I'm an Individual Quaker ( we all are I suppose) so I try and be 'out in the world' so to speak, especially amoung those who may seem to be my 'enemy'. No one knows what a Quaker is here, where I live, so I try and be on my best behaviour .
Thus 'Quaker Quaker' is all the more important for Australians like myself.
Thanks again Elizabeth.
It is laos down to me thinking about doing a turn in the Meeting House during this coming National Quaker Week and trying to draw from my own experience of Friends in order to answer possible question.
Love they way you use the image of the turtles in a somewhat similar way to reflect you and your interests.
In Friendship
I haven't been able to log into Facebook for a almost 2 weeks now; and, am tired of letting the powers that be at Facebook know about this problem. Perhaps Spirit is trying to tell me something. I haven't written an e-mail to friends/Friends' e-mail addresses yet telling them of the problem, but, if I can't log into Facebook by the end of this week, I will do so with those whose e-mail addresses I have and ask that they spread the word to the others. I don't want people to think I'm ignoring them.
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