Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Thanks for your kind words! And the same to you, Friend.
Good policy. Although, being "friends" on the Internet, does not involve too deep of a commitment. . . To understate the obvious. I have had a few crazy mixups with Internet friendships too, but since I left Facebook things have settled down considerably.
Thanks Friend. . . I am only beginning to understand the significance of those words and observances and the whole thing seems odd to me having not honored any special days for many years.
I think the thing about Judaism that is most speaking to me is Tikkun Olam, mending the world, lining up with my Quakerly view of building the kingdom on earth. But thank you for those special words that mean so much to those who have always known they were Jewish. Here I am now with a line of Jewish Grandmothers, Quaker ancestors from Penn's fleet, Methodist minister Great Grandfather and trying to make sense of it all, and what exactly am I called to do?
Pleas for cash? Really? On QuakerQuaker! Wow. Nope, I don't need any cash. Thank you for your thoughts. I truly had such a desire, not just for an online Friends community, not just for Friends in my general neighborhood, but for a Quaker residential community! I have visited one, Quaker Intentional Village Project in New York, and a few Quaker-related communities. This feeling of being called in that direction was so persistent for so long, until I began to understand that Quakers as a real and vital connected community, probably isn't going to happen. I was living in the past. Friends may notice a change in my language, I have just found my Jewish heritage and am exploring that, hence my spelling of the name of the Divine is no longer that of a Jewish wannabe. I have taken up some Jewish practices. Thanks for accepting my friendship Barbara!
Hi, Barbara, I have seen a few of your posts here and on Facebook, and I appreciate your contributions to discussions with Friends. I am a new Quaker and attend an unprogrammed meeting in Visalia, CA., which is affiliated with the Pacific Yearly Meeting.
Welcome, Friend Barbara!
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