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Comment by Doug Bennett on 10th mo. 31, 2013 at 2:40pm

There is lots and lots not to like about the current state of copyright policy and the way its issues play out into prices for scholarly works. But whatever or whoever is wrong, it is not the fault of scholars, and certainly not the ones being honored here, none of whom will have written their articles for the cash recompense they received.  All have written many other splendid things, easily available for very little. This volume is a reference work, and the intended purchasers are libraries, not individuals. Yes, we could and should find ways to make scholarly reference works more accessible to more people, but in the meanwhile, let's celebrate this accomplishment and the contributions of these fine scholars. Let's be glad that the world's store of understanding of Quakerism is a little stronger now because of this work. Bravo!

Comment by Jim Wilson on 10th mo. 31, 2013 at 1:07pm

I'm very happy for those whose essays and research are in this book.  But, at $175.00 it doesn't appear to be a Friendly price; that is to say I think this book is meant to be for Universities rather than for Friends.  Maybe some kind of textbook to soak the students who will have no choice but to buy it.  Perhaps there are plans to produce a less expensive edition in the near future.  That would be good.

The page count is 672 pages.  At $175.00 that makes it $.26 per page.  Buyer beware.



Comment by Earlham School of Religion on 10th mo. 31, 2013 at 9:01am

Reception for Earlham College and ESR faculty contributors to the new "Oxford Handbook of Quaker Studies":

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