Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
does anyone know if the Ohio yearly meeting and its monthly meetings are accepting of gays in their meeting and will they accept us as members as that's the meetings here closest to me and i do accept Jesus Christ
Actually, I thought that the discussion of sexual issues is important, so I joined a group whose stated purpose is to discuss them, but didn't feel a need to start an argument or antagonize people in the group, so I haven't said a whole lot. I asked whether the group is open to varying opinions because I didn't want to offend people by being out of place in the discussion if it was intended as a support group for people with a certain opinion.
I answered the question in this discussion because the original poster asked about Ohio YM's position on homosexuality. I thought that question had been settled when Cleveland meeting approved a same-sex marriage, and someone new to the yearly meeting might not be aware of that, so it would be useful for him to know. Since then, I've learned that there is more disagreement on the question in OYM than I was aware of when I wrote that, but it still seems that it would be useful for someone asking about OYM to know this part of their history.
And yes, I did approve of the decision of OYM at the time, though I'm not a member myself. I'm not trying to hide my opinion, but I don't see much need to start an argument either, so I haven't been very vocal about it here. (Also, I hadn't looked at this sexuality discussion group for quite a few months; I don't follow it very regularly, so I didn't see your reply until tonight.)
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Hi Elzie,
Long time no hear.
I remember reading this also and forgot all about it. I also decided to check out some old threads and found this.
I remember actually thinking about posting but decided against it as the thread went odd after your initial post.
I hope you did find a meeting that is accepting of all, regardless of peoples differences.
God bless