Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Members: 2
Latest Activity: 11th month 12, 2022
Hi QuakerQuaker fans,
It's time to start the migration of QuakerQuaker to a new online platform. It started on Ning in almost 15 years ago. That's forever in internet years!
The first stage will be archiving the conversations currently on QuakerQuaker. There are many year's worth of great blog posts and invaluable discussion threads. A recent tool built to examine the source material for all the new AI chat bots found that QuakerQuaker is the internet's second largest online…
Jesus Christ and the awareness of the of the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit in the mind and hearts of people hacks the reflective nature and the religious, political, educational, and commercial agencies and agents the dialectical world order manifests.
When the visitation of the spirit of Jesus Christ is revealed in the conscious awareness of people, it happens they are drawn out of the cycle of dialect narration to guide their relations and affairs. It is discovered to them…
I am thrilled to share that Friends United Press is going to publish my collection of sermons by the 19th-century Orthodox Quaker minister Murray Shipley!
It will take some time before the book is available, but you can follow my new Facebook page ( or website ( for updates!
As part of the rethinking of QuakerQuaker, I've started a QuakerQuaker account on Mastodon. Known best as a "Twitter alternative," it's a micro-blogging site that is much more open than Twitter. In November I wrote a post on my personal blog, Quakers on Mastodon,…
I'm not one to make New Years resolutions most of the time but it seems as if modernizing QuakerQuaker should be one for 2023. While it still boasts over 3,700 members, it's built on Ning, a long-outdated and semi-abandoned platform that has any number of frustrating technical limitations. QuakerQuaker isn't used as much as it should be, even by its members.
Reimagining QuakerQuaker and setting up the tools to make it work will cost some money.…
George Fox–– I…denied the drawing of carnal weapons against…any man on earth; for my weapons are spiritual, which take away the occasion of war, and lead to peace.
1660 Declaration to Charles II We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fightings with outward weapons, for any end or under any…
Menno Simons–– All Christians are commanded to love their enemies… Tell me, how can a Christian defend Scripturally retaliation, rebellion, war, striking, slaying, torturing, stealing, robbing and plundering and burning cities and conquering countries?
“What is the duty of Salvationists at such a crisis? … One thing is plain―every true soldier of The Salvation Army would cry day and night to God to avert so dreadful a calamity. Let him shut his ears to all the worldly, unscriptural, unchristian talk about war being a necessity. It cannot be a necessity before God that tens of thousands of men should be launched into eternity with all manner of revengeful passionate feelings in their souls … Whatever may be the right method of settling…
"We must not have Christ Jesus, the Lord of life, put any more in a stable amongst the horses and asses; but he must now have the best chamber, the heart..." ~ George Fox
But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2:19).
"And you may Mary wrapped Christ in swaddling clothes, and how tender she was of the heavenly birth, conceived by the Holy Ghost. And must all true and tender Christians, that receive Him in the Spirit... She kept all the sayings that were spoken of Christ, and pondered them in her heart. And so should every true Christian."
She...laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn (Luke 2:7).
"And there the shepherds found him swaddled, lying in a manger. A poor entertainment for the Saviour of the world, and King of kings, and Lord of lords..."
For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich (II Corinthians 8:9).
"Now here you see the Son of God, and the Lord of glory, what entertainment He had at His birth, amongst them that were in the pomp of the world. You know a manger is in a stable, where you feed your horses in. And who were Mary and Christ's visitors, but the country shepherds that watched their flocks by night...…
These collections have been provided kindly by Tom Lock from his archived site
"For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious."
(II Corinthians 3:11)
"The law woundeth, but the gospel healeth, and is glad tidings and good news. The law condemneth: and the gospel…
I have a podcast that may be of interest. Although I don't use it so much now. It is called Devotion.
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