I've considered myself to be a Friend in Spirit for approximately 5 years now. My husband and I have found a way forward to worship and take turns within our family. This involves a mix of him (for the most part,) attending a contemporary non-denominational Christian church service, us peridically visiting Quaker Meeting and also worshipping as a family at home using a variation of a Friendly Bible Study with our two daughters age 10 and 13. I also attend MfW online, which serves my need at times due to not always being able to get out due to chronic illness. What once worried me due to inconsistancies for my daughters, has ended up for the most part enriching our children's experience. They feel free to speak, ask questions and participate. That's how I feel about it all on a good day. Some days still, I wonder if I'm simply making life more complicated but I've become accustomed to unprogrammed worship and long to continue. I'm curious if anyone is wiling to share their experiences and how this has effected your children.
In Friendship,
Jan Lyn