Friends, this page has been set up to provide an opportunity to discover the Friends of Ohio Yearly Meeting.
We just held our 197th Yearly Meeting at the Stillwater Meeting House in Barnesville, Ohio. It was a great week for many of us (I haven't spoken to everyone who was there, so I cannot speak for them).
I have come away from this Yearly Meeting strengthened and encouraged to invite those around me to listen to the Living Presence of Christ Jesus in worship.
One of the blessings of this Yearly Meeting for me was working with a young Friend, through the program for teens. It gave us time to explore the Bible using metaphors to connect with specific people and their stories as recorded in scripture. We also took time to listen to the Lord and offer intercessory prayers for the Yearly Meeting.
I hope others who attended the Yearly Meeting will find time to post about their experiences.
I also hope that Ohio Yearly Meeting Friends will offer their insights and share some of their stories, to help convey what and Who this Yearly Meeting is about.