Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
(I am going to post this is several places if that is okay.)
We are starting a new Christian Friends worship group in the Ithaca, NY area. We will be worshiping after the manner of Conservative Friends. Our first meeting will be on Feb 3 and we plan at this point to meet monthly, though that may change. All are very welcome! We plan silent worship at 11 a.m. followed by a simple potluck at noon.
Please contact me for more information.
For more information about Conservative Friends see their website at
In Christ,
I was a sojourning member of Ithaca Monthly Meeting while studying there during the years 1971-75. Would surely like to know how the Conservative Meeting is progressing. It is too far from home in Bolivia to think much about getting back to Tompkins County but I would be happy to know that the gathering goes forward.
Milton Whittaker
Milton - Amazing you should write! Our group is progressing well. Not large but rich. do you know Bruce Berggren-Thomas? He was at Ithaca MM in the 70's also and is now a member of our group. We are about to start discerning the process of affiliation with Ohio Yearly Meeting! If you are ever up here please stop in a visit! We meet at the Burtt House at noon onn the first and third First Days of the month.
The reason I say it is amazing that you are writing is that Tom Brown and his wife, whose name escapes me, told me of you (I think it was you) and she said how she misses your ministry! Do you know Jack and Susan Smith of Rockingham MM? I know they have friends in Bolivia.
Good to "meet" you,
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