I have recently been drawn by the Light to follow the path of plainess. Though this is totally new for me. I reside in an area where we have two Friend's meetings one Evangelical and the other so liberal it's frightening.... I feel the need to start a Conservative Meeting here.
My problem is I feel unworthy. Why would God use someone like me? There must be more worthy ones out there. What I am wondering about is how do I go about affiliating myself with say the Stillwater Monthly Meeting as an affiliate member? Is this necessary before going forth with trying to start a meeting here? I have always been a Friend I just didn't have a name for it... I wish to join with the Conservative Yearly Meetings. Has anyone else here been drawn to Plain dress and speech? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Dear Thomas,

There is much in thy post to share about! It is good to ask oneself some questions, and it is also good to remember Who our Father is, and Who our Savior is.

I don't know why God might use any of us to do anything. But He does. He called Jacob, "the grabber," who tricked his older twin out of his inheritance, and did all kinds of mischief, to become Israel. Based on what I know of the Lord, He doesn't follow what many of us would consider logic. His ways, scripture says, are higher than our ways.

When Job was asking "why," the Lord's response was something along the lines of, "where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" Who are we to ask for reason or justification from the One who is our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer?

Sorting out a calling needs some careful attention and energy, and loads of willingness to wait, to listen, to sift and sort, to find spiritually mature friends (I call them elders), and read scripture in the Spirit in which it was written. I work to consciously let go of what I want to be the outcome. I tell myself, outloud when I am alone in prayer, "I would like the answer to be X, but it may be Y or anything else. I want to follow what the Lord says, more than have my own way."

While the Lord is not bound by any Yearly Meeting's Faith and Practice, -- (C: -- one way to get help in being equipped for service is to be part of a community. Some of the far flung Friends become affiliate members. The process is simple, and requires commitment and patience and attention. One contacts Stillwater (or other meeting) through a Friend there (I can help with that - let me know if that makes sense for thee), and begins correspondence. We need to get to know each other, and we need to give the Lord time to work in us all, maturing us, guiding us, preparing us, so that if it is His will for the affiliation to occur, both the meeting and the individual interested in affiliate membership are clear about this. If one meeting doesn't seem to be the best fit, there are other meetings as well. The process may show us that rather than affiliate membership, there is a better way to do the Lord's will.

In the meantime, worshippers in an area can join together in an informal worship group. This helps with fellowship, and doesn't preclude any or all of the worshippers from applying for affiliate membership with the same or different monthly meetings.

I will post this with prayers it may help thee or others,

In Christ's loving abundance,


Good to hear thee's considering into what the Lord may be calling thee. As I mention regularly (so I hope this doesn't get too boring), there is a group appointed by Ohio YM to support outreach, and one of the things we do is correspond with far flung Friends (a.k.a. isolated Friends), and try to help them discern what is next, and find other Friends with whom they may worship and visit. Depending on the part of the country, there are probably other sources of encouragement, as well.



Several Friends have already provided some wonderful responses to your post. I would add my encouragement that you contact OYM if you're interested in learning more about the affiliate membership process. I did so myself several months ago and I have found the clearness process to be of great benefit, both spiritually and in terms of getting to know other Friends. There isn't a Conservative Meeting in my area either but I have received a great deal of support from OYM Friends via e-mail and telephone conversations.

Take care,


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