Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
This One Thing I know….
Many there are who choose to define God by the catastrophic happenings we see each day in Creation. Some choose to say God does not exist because a loving Deity would not permit early and untimely deaths of the young and innocent. Others choose to say God does exist because these untimely deaths are meant as messages of judgment and warning for us. Whatever the happening, there is usually someone available here on this Earth, to readily pronounce their own interpretation regarding the happenings of life and their understanding of God’s workings.
It is interesting to read the biblical narrative recounting such experiences among the contemporaries of Jesus Christ, during his earthly ministry. In the Gospel of John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, recounted a story in which a man born blind, was healed by Jesus. There were those of a certain religious crowd, who condemned and accused this formerly blind man. They claimed dislike and mistrust of his story of having been blind from birth and now being able to see through the instrumentality of Jesus. Even when the man’s own parents were questioned, they still did not believe or accept the reality of what had happened. Someone had to be a sinner in this scenario, someone had to be at blame.
Sometimes, our own prejudices stand in the way of us believing or accepting the obvious and practical reality of truth right before our waking sight. It is not for us to discern the depth of meaning and purpose behind the working of God in Creation. Sin and Judgment are realities, but so are Love, and Mercy. Who are we to divine which meaning or purpose is behind the happenings of our lives? The formerly blind man, said calmly in response to his doubting accusers, “…one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see…”
Leave the doubts, questions, reasoning logicians and philosophical quagmires of others, to them to figure out, and simply have faith in God, the reality of God’s working in Creation, and the fact that WE ARE. GOD IS. BREATHE. SMILE. And GIVE THANKS for another day of LIFE.
All that is truly required of us is to LIVE JUSTLY, LOVE MERCY, and WALK HUMBLY with our GOD.
In Peace,
P.S. I wrote this several years ago while having experienced much loss at the hands of the established church and people involved with upholding the established norms of formalized 'Christianity'. My spirituality has evolved and developed since this writing into a more inclusive and expansive embrace of all those who seek to know the truth through the language of love, regardless of their religious tradition.
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