Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Douglas Gwynn wrote an autobiographical essay for Chuck Fager's new book on eminent Friends, entitled *Passing the Torch: When Quaker Lives Speak*. Gwynn points out in a footnote (p.90) a recent M.A. thesis at the Earlham School of Religion by David Hanson on Lewis Benson's life and theology. Gwynn rightly claims that Benson has been "largely forgotten" by Friends today. And Gwynn considers Hanson's thesis "very good." Benson's work was a major influence on my own Quaker faith, even though I disagreed with him in some respects. I knew Benson personally and served as guide for a visit by Lewis and John Curtis to Salem Quarterly Meeting of Ohio Yearly Meeting many years ago. Come to think of it, I also served as host for Lewis Benson's visit to Eastern Mennonite College back in the 1970s(?). I hope to write a comparison of Benson's version of "Prophetic Quakerism" with that of traditional Conservative Friends sometime soon. Unfortunately, Hanson's thesis is not yet available in published form.
See Wikipedia on Lewis Benson:
For more on Lewis Benson, see
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