Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
We hear a lot about the Good Order of Friends (GOoF), to where some in some meetings have taken to calling a process "goofy" as a term of back-handed praise, i.e. said process fits the bill as a "good Quaker process" (not always in plentiful supply). Given Quakers also go by "peculiar people" [1] it's not so far-fetched that their ways would likewise be seen as "goofy" sometimes.
What would the board game look like? I recall an AFSC corporation meeting wherein during a breakout session we looked at a board game model of what it takes to become a US citizen.
The game is used around the country to help educate citizens especially, about what's involved. Many Friends were simply born in the USA and never had to encounter the paperwork. AFSC helps us educate ourselves about fellow Americans with a somewhat different life experience.
I picked an identity card and became a Polish short-order cook, undocumented and, per the rules of the game, unlikely to ever gain US citizenship.
We might craft a similar model of a Monthly Meeting, something playable with rules on the box inside cover. What would they say? "Write a request to become a Member to the clerk of Oversight, advance three spaces".
Or, thinking of Keith's suggestion we model Attenders with negative numbers [2]: "resign from Meeting over gay marriage issue, revert to Attender status, go back three."
We could use it to help educate newcomers, but also ourselves. As it is, our Faith & Practice is somewhat behind the times and most meetings have no Operating Manual, though Wayne Yarnall may have developed one for Corvallis -- I should follow up with Jay Thatcher.
Obviously different Meetings would come up with different games, let alone Churches.
Although I've suggested in the listserv archives (public) of the Willamette Quarterly Meeting's Men's Group that we offer a welcoming hand to one of our neighborhood Churches, that would mean learning a whole new Faith & Practice in connection with that form of Quakerism. What would GOOF (the board game) look like then?
First, our game needs a goal. Lets pick something obvious: to increase membership in the Religious Society of Friends. One way we do this is by adding Worship Groups, which do not in themselves confer membership, but in becoming a Preparative and then Monthly Meeting, they do. New Monthly Meetings join the ranks of a Yearly Meeting as new member generators. They're akin to hotels in Monopoly -- a source of "revenue" (new members in this case).
Monopoly (originally pirated from its inventor by Parker Brothers) is a good source of ideas in that it has Fortune or Chance cards. Here is a place to chronicle possible setbacks in our game of increasing membership. "Members become too snobby" might result in a Worship Group falling by the wayside.
Success may depend a lot on the actions of Outreach and Ministry vis-a-vis those Worship Groups, some of which may have split off from a Monthly Meeting for doctrinal reasons. The Yearly Meeting might yet welcome them into the fold.
I suggest players wear "hats" designating their functions within their Meeting. With these hats will come various powers and privileges. You may wear several hats at the same time. Positions rotate every so often, with the player wearing the Nominating hat able to shuffle things around, assuming Business Meeting approves.
Shake ups may be a "good thing" (helpful in restoring "good order").
[2] (Comment by Keith Saylor on 2nd day)
In P(acific)YM people used to play Mao as a sort of preparation for Quaker business...
Yes, Wayne Yarnall's faithful efforts were pivotal in leading the meeting to a users' manual. It's published at
The next version may be in revision, but I'm not sure.
Thank you Jay. I fixed my spelling of Wayne's last name.. Going back in my own inbox I find communications from Wayne. Definitely a player (I worked with him extensively on one of the Annual Sessions at Pacific U in Forest Grove).
Access for the disabled was of course our main theme. I learned a lot, including more awareness of my own disabilities (mental as well as physical -- I could never sit in a lotus position!).
Here's an excerpt from Wayne's Business Plan (Nov 15, 2007): "1. Put my life in the hands of the Lord. Turn my life over to the Lord.... 2. Visit Restaurants and other businesses to be out there in my wheel chair.... 3. Speak to everyone through various groups about disabled access and the basic adaptions required...."
Fortune Card: the new site for your worship group passes criteria for accessibility. Gain two attenders.
[ with appreciation for Wayne Yarnall, Corvallis Meeting, OR ]
Fortune Card: US Congress to consider having young women register with Selective Service for possibly mandatory military duty, despite never having passed the ERA. Note spike in Meeting website hits. (early signs) (today) (prophetic)
My card game is called "Worship: The Gathering". The object is to play cards to get your worshipers (or the other players' worshipers) centered, then lay some more depth of centering upon them if you can, then lay a message on one or more of them, then get them to speak it. In between are the usual problems: the shallow and lengthy message, cell phones going off, a worshiper falling asleep, that same worshiper starting to snore. A baby crawling around on the floor might be a distraction but there also might be a message in that.
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