Wider Fellowship of Conservative Friends Gathering 2012

Event Details

Wider Fellowship of Conservative Friends Gathering 2012

Time: 6th mo. 22, 2012 at 6pm to 6th mo. 24, 2012 at 7pm
Location: Stillwater Meeting House near Barnesville, Ohio
Street: 61830 Sandy Ridge Road
City/Town: Barnesville, Ohio
Website or Map: http://www.ohioyearlymeeting.…
Phone: 248-360-2074
Event Type: gathering, worship, fellowship
Organized By: Wider Fellowship of Conservative Friends
Latest Activity: 5th month 8, 2012

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Event Description

Wider Fellowship of Conservative Friends Gathering, Sponsored by Ohio Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.

(Additional details have been added 3/19/12)

Greetings to all, in the Love of Jesus:

We extend a 2012 invitation to the many who are interested in joining with OYM Conservative Friends for unprogrammed worship, shared Bible reading and fellowship. It is our pleasure to host another gathering this year. Now, perhaps more than ever we need to connect with the body of believers.

Moses obeyed the word of the Lord. Through his obedience many battles were won for God's chosen people. During one battle God told Moses to hold his staff up above his head. In human weakness, the strength in his arm began to fail. When his arm fell, the Israelites would begin to lose the battle. When he again lifted his arm, the enemies would fall back. To help Moses in his weakness, other children of God would hold up his arm and the battle at hand was won. There are many spiritual battles in this life we live. Enemies of our souls come against us from many sources without us and within us. As Moses' arm was lifted by others, so sometimes, when our strength fails, we are allowed to turn to our sisters and brothers in Christ to aid us. 

To obey God we must keep our ears tuned to Him at all times. Set aside times of quiet listening/waiting to know His will for us. We are to gather with other believers to strengthen us in obedience. In Hebrews 10:25, the gathering of believers is a clear directive:  "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another...." In our own time when men and women are pushed and pulled by the many false doctrines of the age, it seems of greater importance than it ever has to gather in one mind under the banner of Christ Jesus. Great is the felt sense of God's Power when many gather with hearts and minds focused in the Name of His Son Jesus. No other name under heaven has the Power to save.

A weekend opportunity is being provided for Conservative Friends and others of like mind to gather as one in Christ Jesus with Ohio Yearly Meeting at Stillwater Meeting House, near Barnesville, Ohio, on Sixth Month. 22-24, 2012.

For registration contact philandsharon04.01@sbcglobal.net

or registration contact philandsharon04.01@sbcglobal.net
Registration for Meals and Lodging Deadline 6/8/12

Children 12 and under stay free in dorm rooms. 
Children under 4, meals are free, age 4 – 12 Breakfast $ 3.00 other meals $ 4.50.
Child care is provided. 6/22 evening and 6/23 afternoon & evening.
Please let us know ages of those involved in child care.


Dorm room (bring your own bedding & linen) $ 10.00 per person per night

Room at the Mary Davis Guest House $ 35.00 single $45.00 double per night

Camping $ 10.00 with hookup $ 8.00 without hookup

Meals in the Olney Dining Room 
Breakfast $ 5.00 
Other meals $ 7.50 each

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Comment by Barbara Smith on 5th mo. 6, 2012 at 9:06pm
Hello Friends - I am interested in attending this Gathering. I will be coming from the Fingerlakes region of Upstate NY and am wondering if anyone else would be coming from that direction that I could ride with. I am hesitant to drive such a long distance by myself (9 hours or more).

Comment by Raye on 2nd mo. 29, 2012 at 3:09pm

Friends, remember that RSVP on quakerquaker is informational only (and optional, by the way).  Registration needs to be done by contacting the e-mail address listed above.

Also, please share this invitation with those in your sphere of acquaintance who may be drawn to such a gathering, but who may not use electronic media much if at all.  Friends desire to reach out across a wide spectrum, to bring blessings to all who attend.

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