Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
9th mo. 29, 2014 all day – Richmond, IN Save the date! Featuring Keynote Speaker Margaret Placentra JohnstonMonday, September 29, 2014 Margaret is the author of Faith Beyond Belief: Stories of Good People Who Left Their Church Behind, Gold… Organized by Earlham School of Religion | Type: conference
11th mo. 7, 2014 at 9am to 11th mo. 9, 2014 at 12:30pm – Richmond, IN The weekend of November 7-9th, ESR will host the War Tax Objection for Peace and Justice Conference, which is an annual gathering sponsored by the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee. … Organized by Earlham School of Religion | Type: conference
4th mo. 18, 2015 from 9am to 3:30pm – Cincinnati Friends Meetinghouse Sessions and panel discussions on the life and times of Levi Coffin, including presentations by Dr. Tim Wood (associate professor of history at Southwest Baptist University), Janice McGuire of the Le… Organized by Quaker Heritage Center at Wilmington College | Type: quaker, history, and, genealogy, conference
5th mo. 16, 2015 from 8am to 4:30pm – Richmond, IN ESR will host PeaceQuest 2015 on Saturday, May 16th. Join peace activists from all over the world to learn and celebrate peace-making techniques. Interactive workshops will run in four tracks: person… Organized by Earlham School of Religion | Type: conference
8th mo. 13, 2015 at 4pm to 8th mo. 14, 2015 at 5pm – Richmond, IN We're going to shake it up at this year's Quaker College Leadership Gathering August 13-14! You can check out a draft itinerary here:… Organized by Earlham School of Religion | Type: conference
8th mo. 14, 2015 at 4pm to 8th mo. 16, 2015 at 1pm – Pendle Hill Join with Friends interested in supporting life-long spiritual formation through Quaker religious education as we gather for a weekend of workshops, interest groups, fellowship and worship. Join the… Organized by Quaker RE Collaborative | Type: conference
11th mo. 6, 2015 from 9:30am to 6pm – Earlham School of Religion NOVEMBER 6, 2015 You are invited to ESR's first-ever conference specifically for writers of faith in college. Write Now is a daylong event on Friday, November 6. Our annual Ministry of Writing Colloq… Organized by Earlham School of Religion | Type: conference
11th mo. 6, 2015 at 6pm to 11th mo. 7, 2015 at 5:15pm – Earlham School of Religion November 6-7, 2015 To encounter God is to brush against living mystery. To minister is to touch the face of the unknown. To write about faith is to trace the horizon. Is this theology? Or is it theo… Organized by Earlham School of Religion | Type: conference
3rd mo. 21, 2016 from 8:30am to 5pm – Earlham School of Religion Please join us for our this year's Pastor's Conference featuring keynote speaker Dennis Bickers on the topic,"Bivocational Ministry for the 21st Century." To learn more or to register, please visit: … Organized by Earlham School of Religion | Type: conference
4th mo. 2, 2016 from 8am to 5pm – Earlham School of Religion Please join us for this year's Willson Lectures featuring George Lakey on the topic, "Joy in the struggle: How we can experience our full humanity while serving God." For more information or to regis… Organized by Earlham School of Religion | Type: conference
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