Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Time: 7th mo. 3, 2014 from 6pm to 7pm
Location: Pittsburgh
Event Type: environmental, justice, social, coal, mining, carbon
Organized By: katie hess
Latest Activity: 6th month 23, 2014
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Dear Friend,Since 2010 the Earth Quaker Action Team has urged PNC Bank to stop financing mountaintop removal coal mining, a dangerous practice that blows up mountains, poisons water and destroys Appalachian communities. We invite you to join us on Thursday, July 3rd for prayerful nonviolent direct action and worship, calling on PNC Bank to take responsibility for the lost lives, poisoned streams, destroyed mountains, and continued carbon pollution that result from mountaintop removal coal mining.Quakers of all ages from all over North America will come to Pittsburgh and will be joined by Kumi Naidoo, International Director of Greenpeace, as well as allies from Appalachia, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
Please join us!
If you are joining us from the FGC Gathering, talk to us at the field trips table. Buses will leave on Thursday July 3 at 12:30 pm, check the Daily Bulletin for details. For people registered at the Gathering we will provide boxed lunches. Please email to order yours.
To get in a carpool from Philadelphia area to Pittsburgh or with broader questions, please contact Ryan Leitner (contact information below).
If you are joining the action directly in Pittsburgh, you can meet us at 1:45 pm in either of two locations where EQAT volunteers will be waiting to meet you. Please bring water and snacks.
· Agnes R Katz Plaza at 7th St & Penn Ave., Pittsburgh
· Mellon Green Plaza at 6th St & Grant St., Pittsburgh
Please support this action with a donation to Earth Quaker Action Team at
Contact: Ryan Leitner email: phone: 925-818-2272.
Since 2010 Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT, pronounced “equate”) has called on PNC, a bank with Quaker roots and many Quaker customers, to end its practice of financing coal mining companies that blow up mountains, poison streams, and destroy Appalachian communities, all while fueling climate change.
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RSVP for Earth Quaker Action Team; Carpool from Philadelphia area, or take bus from the FGC Summer Gathering to add comments!
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