Dance Party Erupts During Quaker Meeting for Worship

Pendle Hill's daily Quaker Meeting for Worship transforms into a dance party as the result of ministry from Jon Watts.

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Comment by Frederick Martin on 1st mo. 16, 2010 at 2:40pm
I think that in the context of FGC YMs, he's actually being intriguing for just mentioning Christ positively. The real joke/point/fun/message of the video is to see all these Friends at an oh-so-silent meeting for worship get moved (by the Spirit, right?) into dancing. So, he's encouraging staid-and-stuffy silent Friends to get involved in their religion, go deeper, sing and dance in worship, and start getting some kind of relationship with Christ. What more could you ask? :-) (Reposted from my YouTube comments.)
Comment by Rsquared on 8th mo. 8, 2009 at 4:00pm
Pendle Hill is a wonderful place to commune with God. The diversity of Friends is definitely on display here in this video. I am decidedly and passionately Christian, but truly appreciate these words of truth spoken in love.
Comment by John L-M on 8th mo. 5, 2009 at 12:32pm
Friend, speaks my mind!

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