Chris Beauchamp's Comments

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At 6:50pm on 4th mo. 24, 2018, Theodore Schmidkonz said…

Friend Chris,I am in the Metro Chicago/Milwaukee area by default,for an unknown period.Saw your mention of Living in Frankfort Illinois,and wonder what meeting are in that area?

At 10:35am on 1st mo. 18, 2013, Marian Bruffy said…

Oh dearest Friend, Chris,


Thank thee so much for thy kind comment! And for welcoming me. I appreciate it! It means so much to me!


You are a sweetheart too and also my dearest Friend!


I am hugging you too through this comment.


Love and Light,

Thy Friend in Christ Jesus,



At 2:40pm on 1st mo. 16, 2013, Hilda said…

My dearest Friend,

Eventually, I hope to have some pictures loaded onto my page. Timothy will be delighted to assist me with this! He is a dear. It is a bit of a trying age, as she is transitioning from toddler to more of a teen, and this has been difficult on me along with homeschooling. I wouldn't trade it for anything though. She is a blessing!

My Friend and friend, I have longed for this day for a very long time myself. It is providence! For months I have longed to write to you, until I mentioned it to Timothy. 

I have been asking God for a long time, just like you mentioned to me about having a lack of a good friend, and I just nearly gave up. Then when I heard about you, through my husband, I longed to be able to converse with thee. Yes, I agree, that you are the answer to my prayers as well!! I see this as a great privilege, blessing, and honour!!! :)

I am so glad thee gave me wise counsel about my husband's wisdom teeth/oral surgery. That was so sweet of you. I'll keep a very close monitor on his situation in light of thy solicitude! This a great help to me, dear friend!! :):)

Oh, and I'm still praying for your kitty, though I've been quite busy, and am ashamed to say, I've forgotten his name. 

May the peace of God's Christ, shine abundantly upon you and Within you this day!


At 12:31pm on 1st mo. 16, 2013, Hilda said…

Hello, dearest friend, Chris.

What a blessing this is, that you have accepted my invitation! Oh I am so glad to be able to get to know thee better. I have my husband, Timothy, to thank for this opportunity. I still do not know my way around here too well. So this is a an honour I equally share with thee! :)

Timothy, my husband, went through the surgery very well. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts regarding that! He has been sleeping somewhat better now. Although the last two nights, due to pain, he has been awake until after midnight. So it is mostly pain that is causing him to be unable to sleep now. There for a while, we were back into our old routine: 10 pm to bed and 5 or 5:30 am awakening. I feel as though once the pain has subsided more, our schedule will improve, and then his and my health will also improve! 

Yes, my daughter, who loves her middle name, Marian, is 11. She will be 12 Third month 20th. I hope to be able to correspond with thee more, as time affords. 

May the God of all comfort be thine today and every day! Peace be to you and yours!

Your elated Friend,


At 1:33pm on 1st mo. 15, 2013, Gene Hillman said…

Thanks again. I am just trying to give the Quaker context. 

At 9:19am on 1st mo. 15, 2013, Gene Hillman said…

Thanks! I'm having trouble organizing my pictures and giving them titles.

At 2:56am on 1st mo. 15, 2013, Ray Lovegrove said…

Yes Chris ~ we have three children and four cats. The picture was taken in a rare moment of calm :^)

At 4:33pm on 1st mo. 9, 2013, Amanda Manouvrier said…

I was recently looking at a book of quilts by Kaffe Fassett - aahhhh!, beautiful! Inspiration.

At 4:22pm on 1st mo. 9, 2013, Amanda Manouvrier said…

I am amazed that people didn't appreciate your efforts - when I had my girls a distant cousin in Australia handmade me two quilts and I was astounded by the care and the craftsmanship and I will treasure them forever. I make quite a lot of my girls' clothes, but I also knit and, as of quite recently, crochet. I make quite a lot of my things using recycled clothes, or remnants. I really enjoy making useful and (hopefully) beautiful things from things which are outgrown/unwanted. Quilting has been on my list for ages......but there haven't been enough hours in the day yet! I shall have to ask you for advice....

At 3:56pm on 1st mo. 9, 2013, Amanda Manouvrier said…

I'd love to see some pictures of your quilts sometime, Chris! Am so glad that you have joined the sewing group, Amanda

At 12:43pm on 1st mo. 9, 2013, Amanda Manouvrier said…

Thank you Chris and I look forward to getting to know you. I notice that you are a quilter ~ something I have always meant to try. Have you joined the sewing group which has recently started? Warmest wishes, Amanda

At 2:20pm on 10th mo. 25, 2012, Timothy said…

Hello, Friend Chris!

I'm glad that you are back, and I hope and trust that you have had a nice retreat. I trust God will help you face all the realities and so on at home! I hope things will improve for thee.

I'm glad thee posted something for us to read, so that we know ye are well. It has been a while since I've heard from you. This was a surprise note!

We think about thee and thy household constantly! Thank thee for thy concern about me and the little family! :) We treasure your friendship. It means a lot.

Glad you like the pictures. I have so many I could post, but I have taken back to poetry again, so I've been busy with one thing and another. :) (Hope you still keep up your quilting skills too! I'm sure, from your descriptions, they are lovely!) I hope you will be able to one day be surrounded by countryside, farms, leas (pastures or meadows), and lots of trees and people that are like-mined.

I hope everything goes well for you throughout the following month, Lord Willing.

Again, thank you for this lovely note! Take care,


At 1:40pm on 7th mo. 24, 2012, Paula Deming said…

Martin Kelley is the owner of this website. He sets the rules for us, and they are rules in the best Quaker order.

The remarks you intended for one particular Friend were posted for the world to see. Since I created the question back in January, I had some control over the responses, and I removed some of them in an effort to save the conversation and spare the feelings of other Friends.

At 1:18pm on 7th mo. 24, 2012, Paula Deming said…

I'm sorry, Chris. I feel you may misunderstand what Friends are about, and what is acceptable to write on Martin's website. If you feel someone is rude, please let Martin know--privately--rather than post it for the world to see. This is not a matter of taking abuse lying down.

Quakers are very complex, and I thought that by reading the "about" section, you might understand what is acceptable here, and what many of our tenets lead us to do. Simplicity is but one of our testimonies. Responding with Love to a difficult person also goes with the territory, because our core belief, taught to us by George Fox, is that we all have a seed of Christ within us, and that is what we are to respond to instead of reacting with more rudeness. This is central to the Religious Society of Friends: All our testimonies come out of that core belief, including living simply (which is a matter of being fair to the rest of humanity and the earth, because God is in all of us).

If you feel someone is not the sort of person with whom you want to engage, then please just ignore the person. This is part of turning the other cheek: walk away. You can never know how Christ will present himself to you; you may be given a test through the least among us.

In God's Love, Paula

At 12:45pm on 7th mo. 24, 2012, Paula Deming said…

Dear Chris,

I am always pleased that newcomers find us here at Quakerquaker. You are very welcome.

If you haven't read the "about" page for Quakerquaker, you might find it helpful. It explains the purpose behind this website, and a little bit about Friends. Here is the link:


Yours in the Light, Paula

At 10:25am on 7th mo. 23, 2012, Marcie Tillett said…

Friend Chris, I thank thee for thy kind words. I am honored to be thy friend! I would love to talk to thee more when time permits. I don't quilt( but my mom does!) , but I do have a love for them. I am a spinner and I like to knit and crochet. Hope to hear from thee soon!

At 2:22pm on 7th mo. 22, 2012, Bruce R. Arnold said…

Friend Chris, thanks for your kind comments, both of them. Since Friends see everything as sacred, I don't see your remarks regarding your quilting circle as out of place. 

At 1:57pm on 7th mo. 20, 2012, Timothy said…

I thank you, Friend Chris, for accepting our friendship invitation. I hope ye can look past all of my foibles, imperfections, and failures as a human and hope to be an honourable Friend to you. I also thank thee for the kind words. May God be with you each moment and hour and Guide thee by thy hands; comfort, strengthen, and keep you in all of your comings and goings henceforth and forevermore.

Keeping you in prayer.


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