William F Rushby's Comments

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At 10:24pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

We attend at Nashville Friend's Meeting. But we would like to meet some conservative Quakers. It is hard to raise a family without a like minded, supportive community.

At 10:23pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

Um, curious about your spiritual journey.

At 10:22pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

Daniel says the school was in Hettie's back yard!

At 10:21pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…


At 10:21pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

Alta is his father's sister!

At 10:20pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

Hettie is his Grandfather's sister!!!

At 10:19pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

These are his aunts and uncles. They attend MT Pleasent. This would be the Horning or Black Bumper Mennonite Conference.

At 10:16pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

Further north is Leonard and Eilene Showalter.

At 10:12pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

Aunt Alta Showalter!!!!

At 10:10pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

Hmmmm. He is milking so I can't ask him right now.

His father is Enos Showalter.

He went more conservative than how he was raised.

Daniel has some aunts that still live in VA.

At 10:06pm on 6th mo. 13, 2012, keely showalter said…

Hey! What is the name of the Mennonite church? My husband was born in VA and is of mennonite heritage.

He still has family in a VA Mennonite Church.

At 2:23am on 6th mo. 13, 2012, Christopher Hatton said…

Dear William,

Indeed we do know each other through that which is known as the Internet ether, I was on the Yahoo Group  "Dry Clean Only".

I have changed a lot spiritually since then and some of my old posting no longer make sense. Whilst travelling in the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories and walking in the footsteps of Jesus in 2006 / 2007  a profound change within me occurred as I began to feel the spirit of Christ more in my life. In 12th Month 2012 Christ appeared actually walked with me for 2 days whilst I was working for Christian Peacemaker Teams in the eastern Mediterranean Palestine.

Whilst I was in Kenya at the World Conference of Friends I came to realise where I am on my spiritual journey. At the moment I feel most comfortable amongst those  Christ followers many of whom like the term primitive Christianity revived.

I am also fellowshipping in Mennonite circles when we do not have Friends Worship.  

Blessings and thank you for your comment.


At 3:14pm on 6th mo. 11, 2012, Andres Omar Ayala said…

Hello William! I do not know the Friends Kauffmans in Bolivia. I am argentinian, and I am married to a German Mennonite lady whose parents live in the Colony Neuland, here in Paraguay. I salute you, dear friend, from these distant lands.

At 4:00pm on 6th mo. 10, 2012, Allison Wolff said…

There's a lot of similarity between Haflingers and Fell Ponies.   Haflingers are great little ponies.  Lots of sense and a good work ethic.  My guy does not always share that, but he's focusing better the older he gets. 

Did you farm or log with your guys?

At 11:57am on 6th mo. 10, 2012, Andres Omar Ayala said…

Thank you William for your friendship. Greetings from Paraguay.

At 1:35am on 3rd mo. 30, 2012, Kim Palmer said…


Thanks for your words of encouragement. My relationship with the Lord continues to grow stronger and stronger through His help.

We attend East Whittier Friends ChurchWhittier CA which is very supportive of the experience of waiting worship. They have allowed me to facilitate a quarterly, hour or more-long period of waiting worship on Seventh Day mornings. These times of worship have been precious to me and to the 13-20 of us who have gathered in the Name of Christ. East Whittier Friends also incorporatea what they call "Open Worship" . . . a period of between 5-25 minutes of waiting worship (usually about 10-15 minutes) in their programmed worship. While not nearly as lengthy as I would prefer, it does offer the opportunity for the Lord to move in significant ways.

 I have have been gripped by the cross of Christ and the depth of His sacrifice for us for the last two years:

Beneath the cross of Jesus in awe I take my stand.

The shadow of Your mighty cross within a sin-filled land.

And as I gaze upon Your cross, two wonders I confess:

The wonders of redeeming love and my unworthiness.

Albeit, the above is a blending of ideas for the old hymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" but the words flow from my heart in adoration to Him.  

In addition, Wesley's words continue to resonate within me:


Long my imprisioned spirit lay, fast, bound by sin and nature's night.

Thine eye diffused a quickening ray; I woke, my dungeon flamed with light.

My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth and followed Thee

What started my far deeper level of appreciation of His cross was my  doctoral dissertation which was on how to teach the slaves' spirituals in the public school in a way that is allowable according to Supreme Court decisions. Central to that study was an examination of how Christ's cross permeated the slaves' understanding of who Jesus was and what He did for us all. Anyway, as I studied and bore (and bear) their texts and music in my heart, I cannot escape His great love and sacrifice for us.

I have missed seeing you at Ohio Yearly Meeting when I've been there for Yearly Meeting sessions. I trust this finds you and Darlene vibrantly living in His Light and Salvation. Your response would seem to indicate so.  

Because of Him,

Kim Palmer

At 12:24pm on 3rd mo. 24, 2012, Isayas Hailegiorgis said…

Thank you very much for your comment.

 the church is called eped.

 I just send it to you as I have it here. I am only here since last july, for eight months. is there  any thing more you want to know, please you are welcome.

This denomination was founded in 1960 by the army chaplain of the French troops stationed there. After independence and the official departure of the French troops, the buildings became the property of a commission related to the Federation of Protestant Churches. The DEFAP (mission department of the French Prot churches) took responsibility for this single parish, which developed a growing threefold activity: a) regular worship life and Bible school; b) running oflanguage and vocational schools; and c) refugee work, serving as local agent of the UNHCR. The church building is also used as a place of worship by Ethiopian and Malagasy Christian groups. The Protestant Church of Djibouti houses in its worship life Christians from various countries (Ethiopia, France, Zaire, Burundi, United States, etc.) as well as from various confessions (Reformed, Luth, Bapt, Advent, Mennonites, etc.). Church members normally stay in Djibouti for not more than two or three years.

Eglise Protestante Evangelique de Djibouti
(Druckversion | Datensatz korrigieren)

Protestant Church of Djibouti
P.O.Box 416, Bd. de la Republique
1981 Djibouti
Djibouti (Afrika)
Telefon:             +253 351-820      
Fax: +253 350-706
E-Mail: eped@intnet.dj
AdressNr.: 12165 / 1290

Informationen im Internet:

URL: http://membres.lycos.fr/missiondjibouti/
Sprachen des Internetauftritts: French

At 12:01pm on 10th mo. 27, 2011, Aaron J Levitt said…
Thanks very much for the kind words.  :)
At 5:37pm on 9th mo. 11, 2011, Pamela R. Myers said…
Thank thee so much for the welcome William.
At 9:38pm on 8th mo. 12, 2011, Sally Gillette said…

Thank you very much, William.  I'll look for these journals.  


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