Mat 22:44  The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?


Jesus asked the Pharisees if they knew the answer to the writings of David  . . .who called the Messiah Lord . . . if the Messiah is the son of David.


More importantly the question is . . . do we understand the spiritual meaning of this scripture?  David had the great opportunity as a young lad to be involved in  many spiritual encounters with God.  He however gave up these encounters to become King of his country.  We find David as King . . . committing many dastardly deeds.  It seems that he lost sight of his love for God.  


Will power and freedom lure us away from sitting at the feet of God until he makes our enemies a footstool?


Many people do not understand the meaning of this verse. It tells us . . . to allow God to fight any battles.  Our job is to sit at his feet.  If you have never sat at his feet . . . you don't know what you are missing.  It's a wonderful place to spend time . . . and watch God do his thing . . . if you know what I mean.          

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