Growing up Catholic in the '50s, attending Catholic Elementary School under the aegis of the Sisters of St. Joseph, I would occasionally hear that there was a "Mystical Body of Christ" to which all believers who ever lived belonged.  Well recently, as will happen on occasion, words from the past got attached to a mental image that hopefully sprung from my soul.  As I was allowing my mind to freely navigate through thoughts of relationships appeared a maze not of walls but of electrical currents.  And in this maze a redish colored light would go off, with a sizzle, and then travel down a path to another point at which it would branch off in several different directions at once, flashing and sizzling as it went, as well straight ahead to the next point down from the first point where the process would occur again, and then again, and then again.  Meanwhile the lights that had already branched off at the first point were continuing to move on, flashing and sizzling as they moved along.  There were also other pathways visible that didn't have lights flashing  on them running to and fro from all these points.

As the image faded the thought came that the points were individual souls and the pathways were relationships being formed, not on a personal one to one level but in the soul by the Holy Spirit.  When my soul connected spiritually with another soul, the Holy Spirit shot from my soul to theirs making a spiritual connection and when it arrived at that person's soul it shot ahead to everyone that person was spiritually connected to and on and on it went creating a spiritual bond like many chemical reactions in the world and thus creating an entirely new creation each time.  But instead of concrete from water, aggregate and cement, or cake from flour, sugar and yeast, the Holy Spirit was creating a new creation in Christ.

If this is anywhere close to the truth it shows that one's spiritual journey is not to be hoarded but to be shared with everyone if not to all of creation because it is an integral part of something larger that we can't see and that something is much greater than just the sum of its parts.

I definitely have too much time on my hands.  Or not. :)

Views: 90

Comment by Lee Nichols on 1st mo. 13, 2013 at 4:19pm

Jim, thank you for sharing your experiences thinking about the corporate Body of Christ. It is difficult to know if we are dreaming nonsense or if there is a revelation of the truth of God’s creation. There are so many ways we can disturb our mental, emotional, spiritual or social balance that will give us an inaccurate reading as if our instruments were not correctly calibrated before starting a measurement such as what we eat or drink, how much sleep we get, what stresses and for how long have we had and how we are predisposed to act when experiencing these conditions. Most of us have a range from depression toward manic functioning. The more extreme our predisposition the more assistance we need in coping with the challenges of life, and the more obvious it is when we are at those extremes. When we are just below the extreme range and are able to use the creativity and energy of our somewhat manic phases to focus sufficiently well enough to remain in touch with reality and to complete work that is goal oriented and advances our interests. Others a bit more manic lose touch with important points of reality while creating compelling descriptions of their reality which draws followers into believing the world will end or that a wonderful blessing will be poured out on a certain geographical location at a certain time.

Those of us, who are strongly affected by the spiritual movements that grew out of transcendentalism, or who see past experiences as a weight rather than a guide, are ill equipped to deal with the contribution of those who are being manic or hypomanic. If one of us in the larger Quaker community happened to make a proposal disconnected from reality; and if someone commented on the failure of the proposal to pass the test of scripture or early Quaker teaching, would they be "eldered" in emails with Fox’s comment "but what can you say" which is one of the several ubiquitous quotes that lead some to believe the only way to evaluate the worth of a idea is the strength with which it is expressed.

The good news is that the consequence of a bad idea doesn’t need to be experienced before the community offers guidance and assistance to those of us caught up in it.

Jim, a possible way of seeing what the Spirit of Christ says in scripture and to the early Quakers regarding your revelation about the body of Christ is a search of Fox’s writings on Earlham’s DQC. It turns up a work entitled

"Concerning Christ The Spiritual And Holy Head Over His Holy Church" In Works of Fox (Volume 5) P. 293 The early Quaker writing as usual gives both their view as well as showing what is in scripture as well. Here is a sample of the above.

And Christ said, "believe in the light;" who enlightens all with the heavenly divine light, which is the life in the word; and they that believe in the light, become children of the light, and so are all grafted into Christ, and so are one in him, and in the Father: so the church is one in Christ, the head; and they that believe in the light, are born of God, and are passed from the death into the life, Christ the head of the church, who destroys the devil, the power of death.

So they that believe have the witness in themselves; and after they believe, they are sealed with the spirit of promise, and can set to their seals that God is true in his Son, and in all his prophets, figures, and shadows, and types of him, who is the substance of them all.

So they that are grafted into Christ, are living members, who are born again not of corruptible seed, built up a spiritual household, a holy priesthood, offering up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. So these are the living members of the living head, Christ Jesus, who is the head of the church, that believe in him, and have everlasting life.

And so the world knows not these living members, as it did not know the head, as Christ said.

And so the believers in the light, which is the life in Christ, are one in the eternal life; for as it is said, "he that believes in the Son of God, shall not perish, but has eternal life."

Maybe, Jim, your dream is emphasizing aspects of the work of the Spirit in the body of Christ.

Comment by Stephanie Stuckwisch on 1st mo. 20, 2013 at 11:21am


Your post reminded me of the one thing I miss from my Lutheran beginnings. I am still moved by that moment in the Christmas Eve service when a candle is lit from the alter and that flame is then passed from person to person until everyone holds burning candle. A living metaphor for the community to which God calls us.

Yours in the Light of Christ,



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