If you think of your meeting as being on a cul-de-sac you would understand that you have three types of people driving in front of your door: those who live there, those who are visiting; and those who are looking for someplace else. You don’t get much through traffic on a cul de sac and few people actually pass by it by mistake. Especially today with GPS/webpage availability.

If you have a Healthy Meeting you probably are not on a cul-de-sac. A healthy meeting is located on a through street where people can get to other places from there. A healthy meeting would be next to a popular restaurant where people can satisfy their appetites, whether they have a hunger for spiritual knowledge or community service. It would be across the street from a shopping mall where people could shop for clothes to see what ministries fit them and what is the latest things God is shipping to His people. It would be near a fitness center where they could get in shape for leading the kind of life a servant leads.

In other words the more your meeting can be a place that provides people with access to the heart’s desires God has placed in them, the healthier your meeting will be. God loves to nourish His people and as the heart’s GPS is not going to direct them to a cul-de-sac which after all is just a dead end with room to make a u-turn

Views: 113

Comment by Forrest Curo on 6th mo. 14, 2015 at 10:20am

Very poetic and makes a lot of sense...

My Meeting is in a cul-de-sac for two basic reasons: 1) The people running things wouldn't accept a needing-to-be-fixed place in a neighborhood we could afford (and where we might acquire attenders from the neighborhood, and might be led into assisting said neighborhood.) 2) We were invited by the Church of the Brethren to use part of their site for free. This put the local AFSC office miles from relevance, but did get them office space with us, also provided a place for the Peace Resource Center, which seems to be a good local organization. But it led to years of wheedling donations, tremendous work for our committee-folks, and left us in a big spiffy new dead building with an utterly uniform set of chairs, too comfortable to be good for long sitting.


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