Hello Friends,
I have searched for answers to this question, but have found yet no one really discussing this very much. The topic: Simplicity in Food. I suppose this could be a discussion topic in the Plainness and Simplicity group, but I don't know if it would be welcome there, and so, I hesitate to clutter that page unnecessarily. I will say that I feel a commonality between what seems to be a call to me to eat simply and Quaker Jane's description of why she went plain.
My question is: Does anyone here similarly feel called by God to eat simply? I don't mean to be vegetarian or vegan (which I certainly see as valuable as well). I mean to eat just to satisfy your need for nourishment and not for pleasure. I have often felt this calling, but have just recently began to take it more seriously. I want to get to the bottom of it.
I know that George Fox describes this in his journal, saying: "I might not eat and drink to make myself wanton but for health." So I am not alone. Also, many faiths adhere to periods of fasting, which must be seen as somewhat similar: Islam, Baha'i, Catholics, Greek Orthodox, etc. If you follow the Greek Orthodox calendar, for example, there are over 180 days where the diet is restricted. On the strictest of days, one may not consume meat, fish, dairy products, oil, or wine. Of course, I think there is a distinction between fasting and eating for nourishment and not pleasure, but as I said, they are similar: Both come from a notion that in eating simply we draw our focus on God and seek joy in God, not in food.
I'm trying diligently to discern what I believe may be a calling from God and to understand what exactly my Quaker Simple Eating would look like.
I would appreciate any thoughts or insights.
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