Have you noticed the amount of Jesusphobic behaviour that surfaces this time of year?  there is so much of it that you will find it hard to buy a Christmas card that has the name Jesus on it.  Among Quakers it's common to use the word Light for the Divine or our "Higher" Power but even among those who cling to the Christian nation myth there is a reluctance to say the name Jesus.

Years ago when my dad was still alive he was subjected to listening to one of my songs -Geezers 4 Jesus - that repeated the name Jesus continuously.  Being a true blue Catholic he ended up commenting that he was getting a sore neck from bowing his head everytime he heard the name Jesus in my song (If you were raised Catholic you were told that you had to bow your head everytime the name Jesus was used).  Naturally it was easier not to use the name Jesus than to bow your head and it was common for Catholics not to use the name of Jesus outside of "mass".

Fast forward to today and try to find a Christmas card that mentions Jesus.  You'll find that: the LORD has come;  HE has come;  Unto us a SAVIOUR is born; - and those are the truly religious ones and there's nothing wrong with them in themselves.  But someplace on the card they could say who HE our Saviour and Lord is.  Did I forget Emanuel, God with us, or the Christ Child?

Sometimes you'll see mention of the little Baby Jesus, but there's no reason why if you are going to send a Christmas card you can't send one that mentions Jesus, the reason for the Season, except of course you might not be able to find one as you are more apt to see the name of Jesus on a men's lavatory restroom wall than on a Christmas Card.

Of course if you have spent anytime at all in a Pentacostal Church you will hear the name Jesus belted out in song.  There are great contemporary Christian songs like Jesus friend of sinners that magnify the name above all names.  We just have to get people who have been touched by Jesus in the tradition of George Fox to acknowledge that there is one Christ Jesus who can speak to our condition without leaving out the Jesus part.  Once again if you haven't experienced the Christ Jesus of George Fox, the living Christ, than this isn't meant for you, but if Christ Jesus has spoken to your condition then focus on how often you substitute some other word rather than utter "JESUS", who after all is the reason for the season and if like me you believe everyday is Christmas than you have reason to say Thank you Jesus everyday or play Geezers 4 Jesus (http://www.geezers4jesus.com/music.html)  until your head falls off a worn out neck.:)

Views: 735

Comment by William F Rushby on 1st mo. 2, 2014 at 4:06pm

Hello, Stephen Petter!  Glad to hear from you.  When I apologized for offending you, I meant it sincerely.

I might have had more trouble in locating "liberal-centric" presentations of Quakerism than I thought when I wrote about this issue.  So, it saved a lot of squirming and "wear-and-tear" when you didn't take me up on my offer!

Howard Brinton's biographer, Anythony Manusous, asserted that Howard believed that his version of liberal Quakerism was the "real Quakerism", though he was generous enough to admit that other visions of the Quaker faith existed!  In fact, for many years those "other" Friends and their institutions provided him with a living.

In any case, Stephen, best wishes to you!

Bill Rushby


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