Keith Saylor's Blog (211)

The unrefracted refracted light.

I am within and without. I am self-conscious ego in itself and in others and everything. I exist with you and without you ... in awakening or sleeping. I am timelessness and temporality ... shattering both in direct and sustained un-refracted light even while acknowledging and living refraction. I am monism and pluralism redeemed and resolved in a consciousness anchored in and a conscious informed by that which I am. I am neither separate Being no is everything me and I everything. I am the…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 28, 2014 at 7:22pm — No Comments

Give all things over to inward Presence ... deepen down in the midst of it all.

In all the circumstances of the days and hours, I am the living presence the abstract mind overshadows with the promise of rationalization. Cares and concerns, fears and anxiety, joy and exhilaration, are given over to the workings of the rational mind to resolve or exercise. I move within and between the outward ideological and emotional manifestations that flow to the rational mind from those respective realms.

Enter the restful watch within even in the midst of circumstances of the…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 22, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

I am neither inclusive nor exclusive ...

In moments of inclusiveness, I am there. In moments of exclusiveness, I am there. I am neither inclusive nor exclusive and I am both inclusive and exclusive ... I am. In me neither is the principle ... I am the Principle; I am the Agenda.

 Yea, and he that hath faith, and can see beyond an other, yet can have it to himself, and not disturb his brother with it, but can descend and walk with him according to his measure; and if his brother have any heavy burthen upon…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 19, 2014 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Personal Identity. I am the Presence of Christ.

I am Christened. I am Presence ... awaken by Grace to eternity. I am divine light. I am the thing itself. The thing itself is within and without me. I am faith in the mystery of pure consciousness and pure conscience. Eternal identity, eternal life, is sustained through immediate being/Being in direct knowledge and experience of Presence; not in abstract ideas about the Life. I am not an object to be talked about or trapped in outward intellectual and institutional forms. I am Presence and…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 14, 2014 at 2:03am — No Comments

Presence in the midst ... in the vernacular of Presence.

I am there when anger or joy approaches from the realm of feeling. I am there when another manifests anger or joy. I am there when a wonderful or compelling thought approaches from the realm of ideas. I am Presence between the manifestations of thought and feeling.

Re-turn to me amidst all the thoughts and feelings that approach. I am the Peace in the midst of all clamor; opening a quiet space to live the Life. I save Presence within so that eternity lives even as the realms of…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 9, 2014 at 12:29pm — 1 Comment

In First Person - The vernacular of Spirit

They speak of me as if I am not there. I am in first person. I am the Presence they point to in their abstracted linguistics and outward forms but I am not Present in their act of speaking. I am in the room yet they speak as if I were not. I am right there in their midst yet they cling to their linguistic forms ... their eyes and minds enchanted by outward words, ideas, ideology, religious forms and practices. I am none of these. I am the Life, the Presence, pushed to third person, the Life…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 6, 2014 at 7:30am — No Comments

The Living Gospel - Lost Play Regained. The oft unspoken vernacular of eternity.

I journey through the days knowing the Life and the Death. I am in the living story. I am in the Light and the Light is in me. I am in the world but no longer of it. My identity is anchored in eternal Life. I am eternal. The rationalizations of the abstract mind grow ever quiet. I am in the Quiet and the Quiet is me.

I am when talking with friends and associates. The Spirit fades less and less in outward communication. Faith is in the playfulness of eternal being/Being right in…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 4, 2014 at 11:00am — No Comments

The Living Mystery

I am Meaning; eternal Purpose. I awaken in the thick of things and move inside things. I am eternity. I whisper the unspoken and illuminate the imaginary.

Consciousness is my playground and conscience is my shadow.

I am the Mystery of a consciousness anchored and conscience informed in and through the immediacy of that which I am. I am Freedom from outward religion, government, scripture, practices, ways, and disciplines. I am all these things.

I am living Gospel in the…


Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 30, 2014 at 11:00am — No Comments

The Eternal Between

The Thing Between

I am Presence. I am the Guide. I am the Word around and in the words. I am the eternal Inbetween; the Watcher in and around the outward realm of thought and emotion and the realm of outward sensation. I am there in and amongst them, but not of them. If you would know me, first retire from all outward ways and practices ... wait ... and then I am. Give all things over to me in all your daily activities, concerns, thoughts, and desires, then ... I am. I am is Presence ...… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 29, 2014 at 9:50am — No Comments

In the Silence surrounds the clamour.

The inner light is so luminous within me this morning. I reflect back on a group of people attacking (both verbally and physically) a man with a dog. I re-cognized Christ's presence in the moment. Then the mother walking her baby in a stroller. I  re-cognized Presence in that moment as in the moment of a female Hairy Woodpecker feeding her recently fledged young. I see Presence in the owl taking a kildeer.

I see Presence in all things. I am Presence embodied and manifested in all…


Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 25, 2014 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Isaac Penington and the "Thing Itself"

I've completed an immersion study into Penington's use of the phrase 'thing itself." This study demonstrates Penington's faith anchored solidly in the presence of Christ, the inward Light, as sufficient knowledge and experience as opposed to outward rationalizations about Presence and the words of the bible. 

The gift of the thing itself as the sufficient Rule, Principle, Discipline, Code, or Practice in all activities of daily life is the salvation of men and women.

Below is a…


Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 24, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

The Manna Of Presence

Over the past three weeks I sought out and was offered the opportunity to help efforts to support the protection and survival of a federally endangered species. This has been part the ebb and flow of my life; small business and the protection of endangered plant and animal species. 

Over the past two weeks the field work has been physically demanding ... really exhausting. I'm also working with people I've known in different contexts and meeting many new acquaintances. 



Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 23, 2014 at 7:30am — No Comments

An Immersive Meditation

Source: The Works of Isaac Penington

3. Do not graft any of the fruit of the tree of life upon the tree of knowledge; for it will not grow there: an appearance, a likeness of the true fruit may grow there; but the true fruit itself will not. My meaning is, do not make a treasury of knowledge in the understanding part, which is to perish; know the true treasury of all the things of life, which is in the life itself; and in that understanding which is formed, kept, and lives in the… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 18, 2014 at 11:34am — No Comments

On the booklet "A Guide to True Peace; or A Method of Attaining To Inward and Spiritual Prayer"

A Guide to True Peace; or A Method of Attaining To Inward and Spiritual Prayer

Link to Book on Google:

Recently, Jim Wilson, in a few posts mentioned the book "A Guide to True Peace; or A Method of Attaining To Inward and Spiritual Prayer."…


Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 16, 2014 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Christ's presence is Discipline

In Presence I no longer anchor faith in outward spiritual practices or forms of outward discipline. Direct, mmediate and sustained experience in the Light is discipline.

Faith in and turning to outward forms of spiritual practice and discipline restrict and hinder the Life. To know true Discipline is to pull anchor on outward disciplines and anchor in the experience of Presence itself instead of holding to the supposed promise of results, from adherence to outward forms, sometime in… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 14, 2014 at 9:02am — No Comments

There are many religions ... there is also one true Religion ... an affirmation.

The author of a piece entitled "Why Quakerism is not a soft option" writes:

These days, through living in a multi-cultural world we are much more aware that an experience of God cannot be confined to one particular religion.

This sentiment is expressed in various contexts and in various ways throughout the Quaker realm and…


Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 6, 2014 at 3:37pm — 1 Comment

Resting in the Guide

Added by Keith Saylor on 5th mo. 26, 2014 at 9:08pm — 20 Comments

The search image unconditioned and unmediated.

Added by Keith Saylor on 5th mo. 20, 2014 at 1:07pm — No Comments

The eternal Seed thrives in any condition and under any circumstances.

Added by Keith Saylor on 5th mo. 12, 2014 at 2:28pm — No Comments

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