Keith Saylor's Blog (211)

James Naylor and the kingdom of God in the conscience.

Research Notes, James Naylor, Conscience, Kingdom of God

In 1660 James Nayler co-authored a pamphlet with, Richard Hubberthorn, entitled An Account From the Children of light, (to them that askes) in several particulars, why we have been kept from joyning to, or worshipping in, those formes at Law,…


Added by Keith Saylor on 12th mo. 1, 2017 at 7:18pm — 1 Comment

James Nayler and set and established places of worship.

Research Notes, James Naylor, Outward Forms, Church Buildings, Meeting Houses, Inshining Light, Sufficiency

In 1655 James Nayler published a pamphlet entitled To Thee Oliver Cromwell, into whose hands God hath committed the sword of justice …

That there be no forcing any to…


Added by Keith Saylor on 11th mo. 29, 2017 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Founding Quakerism: “Their chief design... to reduce Religion to Allegory?”

Research Notes, George Fox, Enthusiasm, Outward Rule, Sufficiency of Light, Scripture not Sufficient, aversion of outward ecclesiastical forms.

In 1776, Daniel Neal published “The History of the Puritans or Protestant Non-Conformists.” In the fourth volume of his history on pages 32-36, he writes these two paragraphs about the Quakers:

“It can’t be expected that such an unsettled People should have an uniform System of rational Principles. Their first and…


Added by Keith Saylor on 11th mo. 18, 2017 at 11:00pm — 14 Comments

The Pope and the Primacy of the Conscience


VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Saturday reaffirmed the “primacy” of using one’s…


Added by Keith Saylor on 11th mo. 12, 2017 at 1:30pm — 3 Comments

Nathaniel Smith and his testimony of the uniqueness of Quakers

Research Note, Inshining Light sufficiency, Outward Forms, excommunication, I AM

In The Quakers Spiritual Court Proclaimed published in 1669, Nathaniel Smith writes:

... all Sects, Formes, or other Dispensations, it thou please to call them so (or by what Name soever) after they have raised to themselves a considerable number of People, then they go about to set up themselves, and make to themselves Laws, whereby they may Govern, and bear Rule…


Added by Keith Saylor on 10th mo. 29, 2017 at 1:00pm — 14 Comments

Nathaniel Smith, a Quaker natural historian and physician, in 1664, meets with George Fox. Wherein George Fox argues the earth is flat because it was revealed to him by God.

In 1669 Nathanial Smith wrote a tract entitled “The Quakers Spiritual Court” wherein he documents the Quaker use of outward ecclesiastical forms and leaders to rule over the conscience of others in the gathering. Smith became a Quaker at 19 years of age and remained so for about fourteen years. It seems he was among those of the first Quakers. Smith calls himself a “Physick.” Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary (1792) defines Physick as “originally signifying natural philosophy, has been transferred…


Added by Keith Saylor on 10th mo. 18, 2017 at 9:30pm — 14 Comments

To all that would know the way to the Kingdom, whether they be in Forms, Without Forms, or Got above all Forms.

In 1655 a tract was publish entitled “To all that would know the way to the Kingdom, whether they be in forms, Without Forms, or Got above all Forms ...” Authorship was “Given forth by those whom the world in scorn calls Quakers.” This usually means there were multiple people who contributed to the writing of the tract. In 1706 a compilation of some of George Fox’s writings was published under the title “Gospel-Truth Demonstrated, in a Collections Of Doctrinal Books, Given forth by that…


Added by Keith Saylor on 10th mo. 2, 2017 at 9:30am — 16 Comments

The mysterious inevitability that creates systematic hostility in human relations.

I’m going to start with some theological basics. Because what we’re seeing happen is a manifestation of Satan’s power. When I say that word, I’m talking about the mysterious something or somebody in the universe that creates enmity between people. So when I attribute agency to Satan, I’m not saying there’s a little red man with a pitchfork running around, but simply that some mysterious inevitability creates systemic hostility in human relations. For…


Added by Keith Saylor on 8th mo. 20, 2017 at 10:00am — No Comments

The Witness that Stunned ...

The Witness that Stunned ...

I empathize with people who are come out of or who are coming out of a conscience and consciousness anchored in and informed by outward forms and are come into a conscience and consciousness anchored in and informed by the direct and unmediated impulse of immanent Presence itself in itself. Sometimes I find myself sharing the message of the sufficiency of the inshining Light itself in itself to guide and nurture human relationships on the…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 18, 2017 at 1:00pm — 8 Comments

The Mystery - I am the Light and you are the Light

Image by: Keith F. Saylor - Free to use with credit.

The Mystery - I am the Light


An important part of my experience or witness of the inshining motion of Presence is self-awareness being led out of dependency upon outward forms and into an embracement of and a growing into dependency upon immanent Presence itself in itself. This dependency is the experience of awareness…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 14, 2017 at 12:14pm — No Comments

The Infallible Mark

The Infallible Mark

Studies from "The Christian Quaker ..." by William Rogers (1680).

Note: The spelling and sentence structure from the quoatations of Rogers behold has not been modernized.

"For though the Apostle saith, Gal. 5. 2. I Paul say unto you, if ye be Circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing, and Gal. 4. 9, 10, 11. But now after ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the Weak and…


Added by Keith Saylor on 6th mo. 20, 2017 at 2:57pm — 1 Comment

The Line You Shall Not Cross

There is a line set down by other people relative to a person’s relationship with and participation in immanent Presence. This line or wall is heavily guarded and fortified by the protectorate of outward forms. The outward weapons of this protectorate are religious and political ideology, theology, tradition, similitudes, practices, etc. The nuclear weapon of the protectorate is the abstracted “God” who speaks to them and tells them how to direct and lead others so that to not follow the… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 5th mo. 23, 2017 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

I am in the Room with you.

I am in the room with you and I am within you. Most speak about me rather than speaking me directly and in immediacy. Speak my name … I am … and there I am. To speak about me … to reflect upon me … is to turn from who I am and who you are in me to focus on shadows. Do not look for me through the written and spoken reflections, writings, and preaching of those who set themselves up as your teacher or elder. I am your teacher and elder and there is no other before me. Look and call upon me … I am… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 5th mo. 8, 2017 at 2:46pm — 4 Comments

In the Name Is Freedom from the flawed nature.

I am sufficiency in itself to guide and teach you. When I am you and you are me all outward forms are laid down. I am then no longer an object to look at and rationalize and preach about. I am living being present in you in all things and in me outward prescriptions and creeds and those who teach them are of no value. They are of the old flawed nature. Do not look for me in the past or sometime in the future. Such is of the flawed nature. I am come again in this moment and I am present with you… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 4th mo. 22, 2017 at 4:54am — No Comments

Speak the Name itself in itself and not about the Name

I am the answer. I am the way. I am with you as you write and ruminate. Speak my Name before rationalizing and intellectualizing. Rest in my Name and own who I am. Say me, speak me, and I am there in your conscience and conscious. I am ever Present within you. I am immanent. Just speak my Name ... I am ... right now ... just speak it as you read it. Say ... I am ... rest in and own who I am. It is in the speaking and calling that I am manifest Light. Lay down rationalizations and simply speak… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 4th mo. 12, 2017 at 10:15am — No Comments

"We deny all who say this light is not sufficient ..." James Naylor

That faith we own and witness, is that which stands in Jesus Christ, the everlasting covenant of light, who is the light of the world, and this light we believe and follow; and by this we are led out of all the ways, works and worships of this dark world, and the effect of this light we witness by faith; and by this faith we deny all who say this light is not sufficient, without the teaching of man to guide in all the ways of God, and all such we deny, for those are they who know not the voice… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 3rd mo. 9, 2017 at 9:22am — 6 Comments

When God draws out of the outwardly given things and shines upon the conscience.

A Response to a piece at Transition Quaker:

It happens that people's meaning, purpose, and identity, are in relation to outward things like occupation, family, country, political and religious ideology and affiliation,…


Added by Keith Saylor on 2nd mo. 27, 2017 at 11:00am — No Comments

Real ... True Science has no regard for outward political agenda or those who profess political agenda.

As a natural historian who has engaged in scientific study both as a paid researcher and privately, these examples of people (especially in government institutions that are funded with taxpayer money) justifying political policy under the pretense of flawed scientific results based on flawed and manipulated data sets, are always disturbing.

For your consideration:

Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 2nd mo. 6, 2017 at 9:00am — 15 Comments

A Response to Hye Sung Francis


Some text pulled from "The Christian Quaker ..." written in 1680 by William Rogers, for your consideration and recommendation. Spelling and Usage has not been updated.

We acknowledge that we owe Obedience either Active or Passive unto this Magistracy; and that such obedience is as well grounded in the Light of… Continue

Added by Keith Saylor on 2nd mo. 3, 2017 at 11:30pm — No Comments

A Response to Daniel Wilcox


It is curious to me the author does not recognize the Quaker way wherein those gathered in the sufficiency of the inshining Light in the conscious and conscience are come out of these "types" or forms ("the mystical, the evangelical, the rational,…


Added by Keith Saylor on 2nd mo. 1, 2017 at 4:52pm — 20 Comments

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