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Friends Journal now available in PDF format

Hello, world. I am writing to spread the word to you Internet-savvy Quakers that Friends Journal is now available in an electronic subscription format. Subscribers to our digital edition will receive instant access to the latest issue as a PDF file. We think it looks great on a large screen (full screen mode on a 17-inch LCD? Beautiful), and just fine on a smaller screen (though there'll be some scrolling to do). And since it doesn't require a web connection, it's perfect for reading… Continue

Added by Gabe Ehri on 1st mo. 20, 2010 at 1:11pm — No Comments

Geroge Fox . . . vision . . . at Lichfield

I was reading more of the life of George Fox. In chapter five George is on the outskirts of the town of Lichfield . . . and is instructed by God to enter the town and proclaim it's woes. And while walking the streets of Lichfield . . . George sees a vision of blood running down the streets of town. Thus causing him to declare the woes of Lichfield more forcefully . . . afterwards he learns that 1300 years before a Roman emperor Diocletian had slaughtered over one thousand followers of Christ at… Continue

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 1st mo. 20, 2010 at 12:13am — 7 Comments

Sabbath and Tithing - One Quaker's Half Formed Perspective.

I've been hearing more and more people talk about needing to slow down, to simplify their schedules. No one seems to be succeeding. Even children are over scheduled.

Friends are called to be in the world but not of it.

But are we doing this? It can be hard to tell the difference between a Quaker and your average liberal American. At times I think that we are a secularized society of friends (intentional absence of capitals).

At my meeting today, we shared our… Continue

Added by Stephanie Stuckwisch on 1st mo. 17, 2010 at 8:39pm — 3 Comments

On Knowing Ourself

Yes, I wrote ourself: the grammatical error is deliberate. Tomorrow two facilitators will visit Schuylkill Friends and at rise of meeting will explain the purpose of the survey members and attenders will complete as part of the "Knowing Ourself as a Meeting" process, developed by the Center for Deepening and Strengthening Our Meetings, a ministry of PYM. The use of the singular --ourself-- emphasizes that our meeting is a community with a collective personality. The results of the survey… Continue

Added by Barbara Quintiliano on 1st mo. 17, 2010 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

Religion: The Soul of Soulless Conditions

I really suck at being an atheist. Actually, I've never liked that word, even if I begrudgingly admit that, by the abstract definition, I am one. That abstract definition goes like this, "a-" stands for absence and "-theism" stands for belief in god. I have an absence of theism.

Of course, most people take atheism to imply an overt hostility to religion. That is why I am such a lousy atheist. I love religion. If I could in all good conscience return to believing in a god, miracles,… Continue

Added by Charley Earp on 1st mo. 13, 2010 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments

Admiting I'm not marginalized: The blessings of dual membership

My God, My God – Why hast thou made me so different!

To begin with, I have never felt a love like I feel from the Creator God. I have never felt drawn to be close to anyone in a healthy way until I could accept that I was loved. YHWH’s love for me made it possible for me to love others, even my enemies. I know YHWH and the divine desire for my life because of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, who I deem as being the person in history through whom salvation comes. I believe this salvation is… Continue

Added by scot miller on 1st mo. 13, 2010 at 12:13pm — 16 Comments

whose burdens do we bear?

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” –Galatians 6:2

“Every man shall bear his own burden.” --Galatians 6:5

These two teachings have been on my mind as my Catholic Worker community of Quakers holds its annual review/planning/discernment session. I'm trying to understand what I can and cannot do for other people and what I may and may not ask of them. The long version of this is on my blog at…


Added by Joanna Hoyt on 1st mo. 12, 2010 at 1:28pm — 1 Comment

George Fox

I was reading George Fox's autobiography and he wrote that he had periods of depression and temptation that caused him to draw near to God. What has caused you to draw near to God.



Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 1st mo. 11, 2010 at 5:04pm — 6 Comments

George Willoughby, Quaker activist, 1914-2010

Repost of a War Resisters International article on George WIlloughby, Quaker peace activist that died this week. The original version is at I had an email chat w/WRI's Howard Clark after George's passing and know Bob Smith, the Philadelphia activist who wrote the piece, and I'm pretty sure they'd be fine with this reposting. If anyone knows of other remembrances, please add them in the comments.… Continue

Added by Martin Kelley on 1st mo. 9, 2010 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Spiritual Experiences

I would like to hear about any one's spiritual experiences or encounters . . . such as dreams . . . visions . . . trances . . . out of body experiences . . . miracles . . . angelic visitations. I enjoy reading about other peoples spiritual events . . . they inspire me to seek a closer relationship with God.

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 1st mo. 8, 2010 at 7:47pm — 1 Comment

One Minute For Peace

Even though the deadline for this year's Bridge Film Festival is March 1st, we recently received the first entry. It's from the Brooklyn Monthly Meeting and it's a public service announcement related to the American Friends Service Committee's "One Minute for Peace" initiative.

Last summer the BFF jointly announced a "bridging" with the AFSC,… Continue

Added by Bridge Film Festival on 1st mo. 5, 2010 at 7:34pm — No Comments

New Year's Lamentations and Consolations

My meeting has a tradition of holding worship on New Year's Eve. Given the date, worship revolves around the events of the previous months and hopes for the year ahead. For myself, being Christocentric with a strong connection to nature, my meditation inevitably brings images of darkness turning towards the Light.

2009 was a year of changes, not all of them welcome.

I made a trip back east to see my father. Alzheimer's had so thoroughly robbed his face of expression, that… Continue

Added by Stephanie Stuckwisch on 1st mo. 1, 2010 at 2:23pm — No Comments

The waiting is over, now what?

It was May when I last posted, "what to do while waiting." Well the waiting is over. We finally sold our home and moved to Oregon and our new life-episode has begun. So what else did I do while waiting? Not much. I went to work, got through all the moving activities, processed my goodbyes and grief, agonized over the changes and newness. Sometimes, "remaining" in God is enough workby itself along with the rest of what life is handing you.

I am not sorry to see 2009 fade into… Continue

Added by Deb Buerkle on 12th mo. 31, 2009 at 4:18pm — No Comments

I love new year's resolutions

Yeah, yeah, some folks love 'em, some folks hate 'em. I am in the first group. I feel the societal pressures, and we are now in the post-climax time, the interregnum between the huge hype of Christmas and the quiet resumption of day-to-day living, with new calendars, in the short dark days of January.

New calendars - literally, turning over a new leaf. So it resonates for me quite wonderfully to think about new goals and old, unfulfilled ones. I will rededicate myself to the old ones… Continue

Added by Madeleine Cadbury Brown on 12th mo. 29, 2009 at 6:26pm — No Comments

another new Quaker blog

After enjoying other Friends' blogs for a few years I decided to start one of my own at

I'm working on what the blog title suggests, actually getting my life aligned with my convictions instead of just talking about them. (I find talking much easier.) I've been helped in this process by Friends and friends who had rather different convictions but shared the struggle for faithfulness.… Continue

Added by Joanna Hoyt on 12th mo. 27, 2009 at 2:27pm — No Comments

Christmas Morning Mass

Dazzled by gold ornaments

by trees swathed in white lights

and the winter sun piercing

stained glass

with its ice-pure rays

Body and soul vibrating

to the organ’s swell

I sang with the choir and congregation

Superlatives and absolutes

flowed from the liturgy

like wine

from a celestial cask

Gloria to God in the highest

Deum de Deo

Lumen de lumine

Deum verum de Deo vero

Wonderful… Continue

Added by Barbara Quintiliano on 12th mo. 25, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

End of year thoughts...

Thank you for being around this year, which has been one of those ‘annus horribilis’, beginning with the death of Lilian, a much loved and eccentric mother. As the year has gone on I have been struggling with the guilt and sadness involved in her loss, the way she was deprived of care from a hospice, and the way the family did and didn’t cope with her death. We were all trying to cope with one of the the most difficult circumstance anyone ever has to face.

The highs of the year have… Continue

Added by Rosemary Rimmer-Clay on 12th mo. 21, 2009 at 1:49pm — No Comments

Going Crazy for the Baby Jesus

Marvin Bloom, regularly contributes on Trans-Ponder Podcast with his Moments with Marvin segments and also appears in my play Doin' Time the Homo No Mo Halfway House. Raised Jewish in Long Island, NY, Marvin is now a born-again Christian--A Jew for Jesus. In this video freaks out about Christmas and more importantly Christians Gone Wild at… Continue

Added by Peterson Toscano on 12th mo. 19, 2009 at 4:09pm — No Comments

"The Courageous Mr. Penn"

Now playing in the WBFF YouTube channel's Movie House Theater...

"The Courageous Mr. Penn"

1942 film in 8 parts

Starring Cliff Evans and Deborah Kerr

WBFF's Movie House Theater

"Penn of Pennsylvania" was the original British title of the economical biopic "The Courageous Mr. Penn". Clifford Evans… Continue

Added by Andrew Swartley Cohen on 12th mo. 19, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Notes on Religious Socialism - 01

My socialism arose originally from two biblical texts:

First: Matthew 25:31ff: "When the son of man starts his revolution with all his band around him, then he will assume authority. And all the nations will be assembled before him, and he will sort them out, like a farmer separating his cows from his hogs, penning the cows on the right and the hogs on the left. Then the Leader of the Movement will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you pride of my Father, share in the Movement that… Continue

Added by Charley Earp on 12th mo. 19, 2009 at 2:06am — No Comments

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