Dear friends,

I have just found Quaker-Quaker recently and enjoy the postings of many.  Being an isolated Quaker I would very much like to have
communication with other Quakers.  I am a conservative Quaker living on
the east coast.  I have started a blog to share my daily journey.

My Quaker Home

I would love to meet new friends here and also for some to drop by my blog. 

Peace to all,

Nanna Kapp

Views: 241

Replies to This Discussion

Greetings Nanna Kapp,

Welcome. My name is Isabel (aka Quaker Jane). I hope to get to know thee better. Thy blog looks interesting. I also like to cross stitch and quilt, though I am doing little in the way of projects currently. On thy blog thee mentions a Quaker cap purchase that thee liked. I am wondering what Quaker cap in particular thee is referring to . . .
Hello Isabel!
I am so pleased that you have responded to me. I have been reading your blog for quite some time and without you knowing it, you have played a major part in my journey to truth. I deeply thank you for the time and effort that you have put into your site and making all the information available to us all.

As far as the cap goes you can see it on my blog under my "Plain Dressing" tab HERE
It is all the way at the bottom.

I find it suits me well.

I have just started the blog, so all the tabs do not have items beneath them but it will grow as time goes on. I enjoy many handy crafts and so the blog will be a good outlet to post my finished projects.

Tonight I am taking a little online class to learn the chevron stitch in crochet to make the blankets that have the waves of colors through them....we'll see how that goes. What I always say is....try something new, it never hurts to try and you might find something you really enjoy making.

Thank you again for replying and I hope to get to know you better as well!

Peace to you,

Nanna Kapp (Lee)
That is a lovely cap. One doesn't see too many ladies wearing caps with lappets these days :) but it seems to me they are practical and feminine.

I am glad to hear that my website has been of use to thee. Whatever good there is in it is the Lord's work, and whatever good comes of it, he gets the credit.

If thee has any suggestions, please let me know.

God bless thee and keep thee,
Thank you, I do feel it is very feminine as well. As far as your website goes, I certainly couldn't give you any advice at the moment. It will take me months just to go through all the things I still want to read there!

Peace to you,

Nanna Kapp (Lee)
Hello, Luis!

You express yourself quite well in English. There were some small mistakes in your post, but the meaning of your statements was clear.

Hasta la vista!

Bill Rushby
Bill, thank you for your words.
I saw from your blog that you do a lot of knitting. I am a member of the Manhasset Monthly Meeting on LI in NY.and we have a lot of sewing supplies. Is there something you are in particular need of? I can check to see if we can provide it. I remember hearing of The Way, but not in a positive manner. My wife and I are convinced quakers as well and are fully aware of the ability of our human nature to wreck havoc on a church. We appreciate the openness of the Quaker meeting. I am sure if your Husband continues to seek the truth he will find it.


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