Dear Friends,

I have considered myself to be a Quaker in spirit for quite a few years now. I have not formally joined in membership at the meeting I attend for complicated reasons such as chronic illness and dividing our family on a First Day.

I am now finding the way is opening now for me more to seek membership, though I am a Christian Friend in a liberal area of Quakers. I enjoy the variation and diversity within and feel that I am able to attend, but now that other issues are settled, I am hesistating as I wonder if others in the Meeting will want me present or if I will be a distraction and an annoyance to those who do not approve of adhering to more early Quaker ways.

Have some of you in this situation periodically traveled to visit Meeting houses where there are those who are also like-minded? If so, how have you been received? Has this helped support you or further complicated your schedule? Also, if you do not mind, if you are a Christian Quaker within liberal circles do you feel strong enough to speak your vocal ministry? I appreciate any insight you can offer.

In Friendship,
Jan Lyn

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Thank you, Tom. We seem to be quite like-minded in this and as I said, I rather enjoy the mix of people within my Meeting. This has been my experiece in physical meetings as well so far.

I only have been at 2 local Meetings and am settled at the one at this point. The thought of traveling when I am able, simply out of intrigue and broadening experience feels inviting to me. We are planning on doing so in the future.

Thank you for the encouragement in sharing vocal ministry.

In Friendship,
Jan Lyn
As Friend Tom has said, it is for us to allow Spirit to lead in our gatherings. Therefore, whatever it is that one is led to share, is for the good of the whole. See yourself in meetings or amongst Friends as a tremendous blessing where each individual's gifts contribute to the whole. So, why is there a need to wonder about what is appropriate to express or not? .......... whether it is a Bible verse accompanied by personal commentary; something from The Tao; something from Rumi, etc., etc., etc. Why not free yourself from all labels so that you can truly be a source of Infinite Light?

As Tom also shared, "I have found that 'strident' voices of whatever tendency are less well received than simple sharing of a leading rather than toward any 'convincement.'"

Last week at 57th Street Meeting of Friends in Chicago, I found myself led to quote one of my favorite Bible verses in the Psalms, "Behold how good and pleasant it is for Brothers and Sisters to dwell together in UNITY." 57th Street Meeting is a well-known liberal group; but is also known as a very, very welcoming meeting for all Friends and visitors. We are undergoing some extreme challenges in our meeting, mainly because of just one individual who seems to have quite the gift for division and drama! I feel that my quoting that particular Psalms and my thoughts following it, were probably because of what our meeting is going through. There's never anyone at our meeting that will say that my quoting the Christian Bible was inappropriate. And, if someone did do so, why would I care?
Thank you for your insight, Contessa. I have actually made a more conscious effect to do so, and marked that decision by redefining my description in my own personal blog online. I often think "Quaker" is just enough and notice that anything more, especially in the internet world does not add to unity in the Spirit. So, I am in agreement with your thoughts.

I quite enjoyed the Psalms verse that you shared. Many of the Psalms speak so powerfully to me, and that one especially is a wonderful reminder.

At this time, I am venturing out in thought to visit various Meeting houses to broaden my experiences and for pure enjoyment of seeing the Spirit at work in others and to witness variety first hand rather than solely in the internet world, which is positive and helpful for me, but which may be a bit more vocal. This bridges the gaps for me when I cannot get out due to illness, but I yearn for more physial fellowship as well. I think it is positive to do so and also think of Friends commonality. I think it can only lead toward more of this convergence that I see as the way forward.
Jan Lyn Lewis,

I notice that you are venturing out "in thought" to visit various Meeting houses. I hope you consider visiting Fifteenth Street Meeting in New York City, a "liberal" meeting in many ways that has a number of committed Christian members. If you do visit, especially if you come to an 11 a.m. meeting on Sunday, I hope you'll seek me out. I would be pleased to meet you in person.
- - Rich Accetta-Evans
Dear Rich,
I would be very pleased to be able to visit some day and will keep that in mind. I don't often venture too far from home due to some chronic illness, but am beginning to be able to do more and look forward to new experiences.

Thank you, Friend,
Jan Lyn


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