Hungry for more of the Jesus of the Quaker tradition?

Hello Friends,

I wanted to reach out to you to let you know that I'm developing a new Quaker meeting in Washington, DC where I live. We will be non-creedal, but in a very progressive metropolitan area that has been blessed with multiple Quaker meetings, we will establish our intention of being a place of welcome for those among us who are Jesus-centric. We will be as progressive and unruly as is typical in the DC area and among Quakers, but focused on Jesus Christ as our Messiah, for the joy of having that experience together. We will be the only Quaker meeting in the DC area associated with the North Carolina(Conservative) meeting.

My vision is that this meeting will focus on quietism before God/Jesus Christ, with an inclusive, accepting heart. I fully expect that we will eventually be directly involved in social justice work, but I feel a deep passion to ensure that our primary goal is always to lay everything, even our convictions and clarity and anxieties of "all the things that must be done!!" before God. We as a group will reinforce for one another that it is best to give up action based on our own anxieties and needs, and to instead rest in God until we are shown God's way forward for us. We actively know and trust that God sees all problems more clearly than we do, and is efficient and effective beyond our ability to imagine and create when we act alone.

We are often people who like to “color outside the lines” in spiritually constructive ways (in the manner of Friends), and this meeting will be a community where we are free to be Christians and also positive and enthusiastic lovers of yoga, LGBTQIA+ people, the poor and homeless, racial justice, indigenous rights, the divine feminine as well as the divine masculine, the sanctity of all life, the greatness of Jesus, the power of creativity, etc. We do not require ourselves (or God) to make our religious, spiritual, and cultural context smaller than it is, or become culturally-conventional Christians. We accept the ways that we have met God in our own lives, even those ways that the church and the friends meeting often doesn't make room for. We meet, in this fullness, and submit ALLL that we are to Jesus Christ as our Messiah, and love what this brings into our lives together.

I am exploring possible meeting spaces and meeting times. As God and I "percolate" on this, I wanted to go ahead and share this intention. Please contact me if you would like to find out more about where and when, etc.... Thank you abundantly for all that you are, and for wherever the Spirit leads you.

UPDATE:  We are meeting on First Day/Sunday, afternoons/early evenings.   For the time being, we meet each First Day at 6pm at Friends Meeting of Washington in Dupont Circle area of DC (2111 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC).  Meeting for Worship at 6pm, with some days a 2nd hour discussion at 7pm, and otherwise informal Friendly spiritual discussions are always welcome before we depart.  

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I'd be interested in helping out and becoming a part of the new group.! I live in the DC area.


Here's my email address if you'd like to contact me about the new DC group:


Kinda makes me wish I was in DC! Most of this sounds great.

Hi! I live in Maryland and currently am a member of Adelphi Friends. Let's connect, because I want to make sure I get your new meeting added to the listing on

I also want to start a Christ-centered meeting in the area, but I'm actually thinking more in the semi-programmed direction, because our city has people from all over the place, and yet we have nothing for Friends who've moved here from Latin America, East Africa, and the Midwest, who are accustomed to meetings for worship with a bit more activity. I'm thinking about Rockville, because there's a big gap between Bethesda and Frederick, and I live on that side of town.

Thanks, Mackenzie.  I've contacted you privately about details.  This sounds great, all around.  

AS AN  UPDATE:  We are meeting on First Day/Sunday afternoons.   Our upcoming meeting is October 6th from 3 to 5pm at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Dupont Circle area of DC (1514 15th St NW, Washington, DC).  Meeting for Worship from at 3pm with a threshing session (on all things about being new) at 4pm.   After that we will confirm whether this is our chosen long-term location. 

That's a wonderful idea.  I have a friend from Kenya who fits that description (i.e. she likes a more evangelical type service).  She lives in that Frederick area.  Please keep us posted!  

Mackenzie said:

Hi! I live in Maryland and currently am a member of Adelphi Friends. Let's connect, because I want to make sure I get your new meeting added to the listing on

I also want to start a Christ-centered meeting in the area, but I'm actually thinking more in the semi-programmed direction, because our city has people from all over the place, and yet we have nothing for Friends who've moved here from Latin America, East Africa, and the Midwest, who are accustomed to meetings for worship with a bit more activity. I'm thinking about Rockville, because there's a big gap between Bethesda and Frederick, and I live on that side of town.

Up in Frederick, the Friends Church that meets at Friends School of Baltimore might be a good one to mention to her. Stony Run has invited their kids to do a joint First Day School.

Since Adelphi is getting ready to start renovations, and I'm involved in a lot of the communications, I'll probably be holding off until Adelphi's building project is done. 

Dave Bishop said:

That's a wonderful idea.  I have a friend from Kenya who fits that description (i.e. she likes a more evangelical type service).  She lives in that Frederick area.  Please keep us posted!  

Mackenzie said:

Hi! I live in Maryland and currently am a member of Adelphi Friends. Let's connect, because I want to make sure I get your new meeting added to the listing on

I also want to start a Christ-centered meeting in the area, but I'm actually thinking more in the semi-programmed direction, because our city has people from all over the place, and yet we have nothing for Friends who've moved here from Latin America, East Africa, and the Midwest, who are accustomed to meetings for worship with a bit more activity. I'm thinking about Rockville, because there's a big gap between Bethesda and Frederick, and I live on that side of town.

Hello! I'm in Richmond, Indiana, but I wonder if you'll have a website I could visit. Thank you

Hello Susan!

We don't have a website set up yet though we have spoken with a couple people about that and I know we will have one in time.   I know a Susan Davis from Raleigh NC Friends Meeting years ago.  I expect this is not you but just in case it is, I wanted to mention!      I'm glad to email you directly, and to post here, once we have a website set up.  Thank you for asking!

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