I could not see the forest . . . for the trees.

This well know statement is an example, of the primary spiritual hurtle that mankind is faced with every day.

The Almighty has a Master Plan. A wonderful Plan. A Plan that encompasses the entire Universe.

Bits and pieces of the Plan can be seen . . . scattered here and there . . . through out the writings of the prophets.

If we do not have a clear view of this Plan of God . . . we will become confused and frustrated and yes . . . even angry . . . in our attempt to understand the teachings of Jesus . . . on the Kingdom of God and the Doctrine of Christ.

The key to understanding the correct view of the Master Plan of God . . . is to be taught the Plan by God. Psalms 84:11 John 16:13 Hebrews 8:11 Ephesians 1:9 Ephesians 3:3-5 Revelation 10:7

However the majority of mankind will have a tendency to become focused on an earthly or spiritual distraction . . . that will cause them to charge into the battle like . . . Don Quixote hopelessly attacking windmills.

This is why Jesus taught . . . do not resist evil. If you do not know the plan of God, this commandment seems useless and absurd. However . . . if you understand the Plan of God . . . this commandment makes perfect sense. In fact . . . it fits perfectly into the Plan of God.

When we resist evil . . . we are telling God . . . that we are able to distinguish good from evil and we know how to run the universe . . . and God does not know how to run the universe.

When we do not resist evil . . . we are telling God . . . we trust you . . . we know that you love us . . . and you will take care of us.

We can see the early church did just that . . . they did not resist evil . . . when Saul was destroying them . . . they did not resist Saul . . . and God came thundering to their rescue . . . and God caused their enemy to become their best friend. God does everything perfectly. We always trip and fall . . . when we walk on our own.

My goal is to have you fall . . . totally in love with God.

Views: 49

Comment by Bill Samuel on 2nd mo. 8, 2010 at 8:51am
I don't think that understanding the Master Plan is what we need to strive for. We need, in humility, to accept that we are not capable of understanding it in this life. The life of faith is one of constant engagement with God, following step by step even though we don't understand where the steps lead. We learn much about God's character, but there is much we don't come to understand.


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