I'm a new Quaker and still learning more & more each day. So what make Quaker diffent from Chist people. I know a little about goegle fox but what I'm talking about is today.I look at Quaker and I look at chirst today and see no diffent maybe I'm missing samething.I would like to now what you think? 

Views: 185

Comment by Forrest Curo on 5th mo. 10, 2011 at 7:13pm

Well, I hope you stay with us long enough to become "an old Quaker."


But by then you probably will have seen some differences! There weren't supposed to be any, back when we started. Like other more-or-less "puritan" groups we were seeking how to restart the early Christian Church-- and then we thought we'd found it!


Where we missed, I think... The Church was supposed to be a live thing, introducing people to God and letting God lead us all forward from there (as George Fox was also trying to do!) But people move away from that kind of life; it feels too much like living on the side of Mose's mountain, all the time worried "What about fire, earthquakes & flying rocks?-- Is this safe?"


And then people start following Tradition. God smiles, shakes his head, says "Maybe next time."

Comment by Lillian Henegar on 5th mo. 10, 2011 at 8:44pm
Why do we move away from that kind of life - a life lived close to and following the Light (God)?  We get comfortable with the material world that acquiesence with it brings.  We want the approval of our mother, father, other family members, our school buddies, and the folks in the office.  We want people to like us.  They might not like us if we let God lead us.  I've been chewing on the part of the gospel where Jesus says that to follow "him" (I read it as following the Divine Light that transcends form and gender) we must give up our mother, our father, we must turn out backs on the things of this world.  I believe this is really true.  I am better understanding how true it is.  It is true and it is really really hard...at least for this Quaker.
Comment by David Woodward on 5th mo. 11, 2011 at 10:22am

I think w are not to turn your back on the world!! but to tell the world about god and I'm talking about force it down people. but by what we say & do in this world. I feel like if we are true with god and have him work in me & out of me people will go what is that power? Because we are human and we like power the more power we have  we feel  like we can't be stop but if people see the power god working that make people stop and think. that is where I would like to be same day.


              That is what i mean by not turning are back.

Comment by Rickey D. Whetstone on 5th mo. 11, 2011 at 11:22am



I've been on this site for more that one year  . . . and I'm still trying to figure out this Quaker bunch?


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