Just posted on Hungry Friends about a book that inspired a conversation about many things, including whether good cooks have a certain divine je ne sais quois, or if they just follow cookbooks really well. What do you think?

Views: 148

Comment by Tony Breda on 5th mo. 5, 2009 at 11:33pm
I've been a Chef for 25 years and in my experience, great food, great anything is an expresssion of love. If the highest expression of God's love is the creation of life, then our sustaining and enriching life (cooking) is an extention of that love. Good cooking is a divine gift, as is good singing, good listening, good cookbook reading and every other goodness we experience.

At the same time, bad cooking is also a gift from God. How we react is our gift back. Do we learn from it? Do we act with kindness towards the cook in need of improvement? Bad cooking can inspire us to teach good technique, examine what went wrong, manifest compassion and appreciate the times when our daily bread really rocked our world.

In the end, all of our experiences, good and bad, are gifts from God.

In the Light,

Comment by parise on 5th mo. 9, 2009 at 9:35am
sometimes when i cook i get so centered, so relaxed, everything just flows. i make decisions that surprise me. i make choices in ingredients that i might not make if i were more "in my head". i feel really connected to spirit when this happens. it feels like meeting for worship with attention to cooking. i feel blessed when i am able to share this food with my friends and family because it feels like sharing a blessing. i seldom follow cook books although i will look at pictures and ingredient lists. tony is right about everything being a gift from god, but maybe a real good cook has more practice accepting those gifts and becoming one with the giver of those gifts while in the kitchen and maybe that is something you can taste.
Comment by Deanna Nipp-Kientz on 5th mo. 31, 2009 at 12:23am
I think the ability to follow cookbooks IS a certain divine je ne sais quois.


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