Favourite Quotes From Amity For the Troubled Spirit by Quaker Jane:

“The only perfection thee need seek is the perfection of the Lord. His perfect will. His perfect love. His perfect grace.”

“The Lord, perhaps, is calling thee to a daily retirement, waiting for his Word in thy heart. The Lord, perhaps, is calling thee to a weekly worship, a commitment to a faith community, when thee had really rather not. Perhaps the Lord is calling thee to dress more modestly, spend more frugally, or drive less frequently. He is calling thee to smell the flowers, listen to the birds, to get stung by a bee if need be. He is calling thee to life, and the details are important. The Way will be shown, the Way will open, the Truth will be lived each moment, if thee can release thy cumber and embrace thy true duty.”

“If thee can find that hope-filled molecule, that Seed, and nourish it, love it, pay attention to it, offer it food, water, sunlight. If thee can, just for a short time, give it more attention than thee gives the pain, it will grow, it will become stronger, it will overcome the pain and fill thee with joy, fill
thee with hope, fill thy heart with courage and warmth.”

“He will bring thee into the Truth thee is meant to live, through means that cannot be bound by anyone. Thee cannot limit the workings of the Lord. Men cannot limit the workings of the Lord. Laws cannot. Thy interpretation of the Bible does not. Thy interpretation of the Bible does not
bind the Lord. He is the Truth that will set thee free.”

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