As I wonder around QuakerQuaker, I am feeling like I do when I go into a large-good book store, and enter the "Literature" section. There are just so many books, most of which I have not a clue about (having a high school education focused on welding and machining did not prepare me for Lit... oh well a challenge yet to overcome).


So I liked the name "Convergent Friends". I like how Convergent feels as a word. The symbolism. I read a bit about it... like the idea of it. As I read more, I wondered... do I "qualify" as a Convergent Friend?? shrug.


Today I found the "Universalist Friends". That resembles me... at least in name... I believe that God is universal, that "he" speaks in different voices to people across time and location. I see God in my cat's eyes looking at me; on those Neanderthal cave paintings in France or Grace Cathedral up the street; in the words of Lao Tzu, Jesus, Krisna, etc. Still exploring.


Suzuki Roshi wrote about "Beginner's Mind". I guess I will be a beginner for a while. That's ok with me. :)

(just hope I don't step on someone's toes as I learn this dance!)


By the way, I am still enjoying "Friends for 300 years". I carry it back and forth to work, reading a page here and there when I can. Well written & inspiring.


Hope this finds you well.

Views: 62

Comment by Forrest Curo on 8th mo. 31, 2011 at 10:49am

One very old formulation of the Quaker thing was: "God is here to teach His people Himself" [more often in the form "Christ is here" etc.]


One way this can be experienced... is that what you need to know, what you're ready to understand-- will come to you as needed.


I've always been a bookhog, and though I don't eat as many as I use to, may be overeager to suggest things I know are good. Not necessarily what you're ripe to read next.


But if you stand around in a bookstore or library (This might as well be in a promising section), relax, pick up what you're drawn to, open it where it feels right... This is far from a foolproof way to choose books, but it brings you things to think about, and sometimes takes you directly to the next Lesson!


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