QuakerQuaker's Blog – 9th mo. 2010 Archive (39)

Peggy Parsons deals with sexual harassment on the road

Peggy Parsons deals with sexual harassment on the road. He mis-interprets my laughter, and leans in and backs me against the bus. "Because I have always wanted to have a sweet white babydoll like you..." His breath is sour and hot. I put a hand squarely on his sternum and give him a gentle push back. I pull myself to my full height and give him my very best withering glare - eye to eye.…


Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 18, 2010 at 4:38pm — 1 Comment

Scattergood Friends School's Mark Quee on Iowa public radio

Scattergood Friends School's Mark Quee on Iowa public radio. A new study by the National Wildlife Federation highlights findings that show children who spend more time outdoors have better attention spans, do better academically, and perform better on standardized tests. --Mark Quee's remarks begin around minute 12:50 and 17:30, in which he talks about the 4-acre Scattergood Farm and how Scattergood's… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 16, 2010 at 11:45pm — No Comments

Martin Kelley - Getting a horse to drink

Martin Kelley - Getting a horse to drink. There were about seventy-five people in the room for Interim Meeting sessions. I was probably the third or fourth youngest. That's two whole generations that are largely missing from PYM leadership. I know I shouldn't be surprised; it's not a new phenomenon. But if you had told me twenty years ago that I'd be entering middle age and could still walk into a room full… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 16, 2010 at 10:25am — No Comments

Anthony Manousos: Dealing with Conflict in the Interfaith Movement

Anthony Manousos: Dealing with Conflict in Interfaith Movement & One's Life. This talk explores the challenges of interfaith work: how we can deal with conflict and make decisions in a way that brings us closer to each other and to the Spirit.

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Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 14, 2010 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Noli Lynn On Laying Down a Quran Study

Noli Lynn On Laying Down a Quran Study. Last Sunday, I led the last session of the Quran study at my Quaker meeting, Orange County Friends Meeting. Perhaps some of you wonder why a Quaker meeting is even studying the Quran, while others wonder why, if we’re studying it, we should lay down that study at exactly the time when tension around Islam in this country is rising. The answer to both questions is… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 14, 2010 at 5:28pm — 1 Comment

Brad Ogilvie: Root causes vs just roots

Brad Ogilvie: Root causes vs just roots. There was one Meeting's committee that was not looking at topics, but process. It was considering the extent to which it can nurture individual leadings, serve as a source of education for its members, take on issues as a committee, and reach out to others on common causes. Basically, this committee seems to be considering how to do things more… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 14, 2010 at 4:39pm — No Comments

Boston Globe profiles Western Mass. Quaker activist

Boston Globe profiles Western Mass. Quaker activist. When asked how often she has been hauled away for acts of civil disobedience, Frances Crowe responds with a smile: “Not enough.’’ At age 91, and less than a month after her latest arrest, the veteran protester — who favors socks with sandals, thick glasses, and oversized pins with… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 13, 2010 at 9:23pm — 1 Comment

QuakerDave: Three books for those interested in Friends

QuakerDave: Three books for those interested in Friends. I thought I’d chime in, on a subject I sometimes get asked about. Basically, the question comes from seekers who are interested in exploring what Quakerism is all about will ask what books they might pick up to introduce them to the subject fairly quickly... How about you? Got three?…


Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 13, 2010 at 7:19pm — 1 Comment

Martin Kelley: Staying loose and open to God's direction

Martin Kelley: Staying loose and open to God's direction. One of the most fascinating pieces of the "Convergent Friends" character is that the group doesn't spend a lot of time complaining or worrying itself about Quaker institutions that are terminally stuck. We work with ones that are open to new energy and God's direction and we supplement it with what you call the… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 9, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Micah B: Bridging the Generational Divide in Ministry

Micah B: Bridging the Generational Divide in Ministry. While there are many in my generation who are being called to dedicate their lives to God's service, many Millenials who are called to the ministry are called to forms of ministry that the older generations do not easily recognize. Our ministry often takes place in diverse networks, rather than in a strictly congregational context; we… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 9, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

LizOpp: Taking responsibility for learning about Islam

Taking responsibility for learning about Islam. Recent sobering news about how one house of worship in Florida wants to "acknowledge" the events of 9-11 has gotten me to start thinking about what I can do, as one person.

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Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 8, 2010 at 7:38am — No Comments

Pilgrim & Stranger: how Christ is understood in his worship group

Pilgrim & Stranger shares how Christ is understood in his worship group. Our young meeting, while consisting of Friends who are mostly affiliated with largely liberal yearly meetings (Baltimore and Northern), as well as those who are new to Quakers, is a welcoming meeting. We welcome GLBT persons, whites, blacks, native Americans, educated and not, moneyed and not, Evangelicals,… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 8, 2010 at 7:30am — No Comments

Eileen Flanagan: Internet bombast & negative stereotypes of God

Eileen Flanagan: Internet bombast & negative stereotypes of God. I don’t have a clear analysis yet, just a sense that what my writing tries to do—help people get past their negative stereotypes of God and find a mature connection to the Divine that’s not based on coercion—is needed more than I realized, not to force a different kind of religion on the atheists who clearly aren’t interested, but… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 8, 2010 at 7:15am — No Comments

Chronicler: Preparation for Worship and Self Expression

Chronicler: Preparation for Worship and Self-Expression. Self expression has its place, such as in the time of afterthoughts or the fellowship afterward. It is fine to share things of value coming from the news media, an important conversation during the past week, or some other kind of interaction - but let everything have its proper place. The ancient Quaker approach to worship is… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 7, 2010 at 7:30am — 6 Comments

Pennmanship Greg: decisions over registration for military service

Pennmanship Greg: decisions over registration for military service. When I was in middle school, I sent letters to every representative and senator I could asking for them to end the Selective Service. I had hoped that the Selective Service would end before I had to sign up, so I wouldn’t have to decide whether to register or not. Sadly the law did not change. On my…


Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 6, 2010 at 9:45am — No Comments

Martin Kelley is Taking the Quaker web to the (PhYM) Establishment

Martin Kelley is Taking the Quaker web to the (PhYM) Establishment. So next Seventh Day gives us the rare chance to explain our web workings to a group of establishment Friends. What kinds of things would you like them to know? Any messages I should pass along.…


Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 6, 2010 at 9:38am — 1 Comment

Johan M: staying engaged in the public arena over difficult issues

Johan wrestles with staying engaged in the public arena over difficult issues. ...'When do we take sides, and how?' But are there times when it's less an issue of 'taking sides' and more an issue of simply confronting mean or outrageous conduct? Assuming we want to stay rooted in our faith (and believe me, there are times when I want to let 'er rip without any reference to those…


Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 6, 2010 at 9:30am — No Comments

Sarah Hoggatt: "Being" the Church

Walking the Sea: "Being" the Church." How many churches are so busy keeping their buildings, their way of life, that they have forgotten to BE the church? After all, Abraham was not chosen to bless himself but to be a blessing to others. The church is the same. We are to be God's hand in the world lifting up the lives of others, easing burdens, bringing light to dark places, being a blessing…


Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 6, 2010 at 9:28am — No Comments

Frederick gave a few Remarks at an interfaith service

Frederick gave a few Remarks at an interfaith service. As we stand here today, surrounded with these monuments honoring the sacrifices of these war dead, who also were fighting for a vision of a better world, I pray that we will honor and compassionately remember all those who have worked and fought for that better world, in their own way -- since all have that Spirit, that seed of… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 2, 2010 at 5:18pm — No Comments

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